There is no Way Trump Earned his Degree from Wharton

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

As I began writing about Donald Trump in 2015, I discovered more questions than answers. Facts I did learn confirmed what I expected: Trump was a complete failure at everything he attempted to accomplish. He even did the impossible, lost money as the owner of a casino.

I also learned that he was a draft dodger. Daddy Fred purchased two exemptions from a doctor, claiming bone spurs on his feet. I learned that he was a racist, like his father. I discovered what appears to be a relationship with Vladimir Putin beginning in 1987.

It was no secret that he was a sexual predator and engaged in multiple extramarital relationships during all three marriages. One of his closest friends was fellow sexual deviate, Jeffrey Epstein.

After researching his business interests, I discovered multiple bankruptcies. His businesses were saved with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and the Saudi Royal family.

Like many other political writers, I wanted to learn more about his educational background and his IRS tax returns. However, his tax returns were hidden, and he ordered all of his school transcripts sealed.

I was most suspicious about his diploma from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

Wharton is a respected Ivy League college. I have never read about an Ivy League graduate who was clearly illiterate prior to Trump. He doesn’t read, either by choice or he is incapable of comprehending the written word.

Recently Trump revealed his economic plans for America’s future. They are even more abysmal than his failures between 2017 and 2021.

Economic experts agree that his plans for increasing tariffs, creating a national sales tax on everything, including food and medical supplies, combined with additional tax cuts for the super-rich would add trillions of dollars to the national debt, and cause enormous harm to consumers.

I am convinced that his degree from Wharton was paid for by his father. I doubt Trump attended his classes regularly, and failed to earn his diploma. He knows nothing about anything, and displays a very low level of intelligence every time he opens his pie hole.

A clear sign of a poorly educated person is a constant display of negativity to every situation, blaming others for his own mistakes and crimes, and openly seeking revenge on those he perceives as enemies. This, combined with an affliction known as “malignant narcissism,” makes him a danger to everyone around him.

America would not survive another Trump presidency. In only four years his lack of expertise and experience, combined with his failure to take timely action as Covid-19 approached our shores, nearly caused a Second Great Depression.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

As I began writing about Donald Trump in 2015, I discovered more questions than answers. Facts I did learn confirmed what I expected: Trump was a complete failure at everything he attempted to accomplish. He even did the impossible, lost money as the owner of a casino.

I also learned that he was a draft dodger. Daddy Fred purchased two exemptions from a doctor, claiming bone spurs on his feet. I learned that he was a racist, like his father. I discovered what appears to be a relationship with Vladimir Putin beginning in 1987.

It was no secret that he was a sexual predator and engaged in multiple extramarital relationships during all three marriages. One of his closest friends was fellow sexual deviate, Jeffrey Epstein.

After researching his business interests, I discovered multiple bankruptcies. His businesses were saved with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and the Saudi Royal family.

Like many other political writers, I wanted to learn more about his educational background and his IRS tax returns. However, his tax returns were hidden, and he ordered all of his school transcripts sealed.

I was most suspicious about his diploma from the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton School of Business.

Wharton is a respected Ivy League college. I have never read about an Ivy League graduate who was clearly illiterate prior to Trump. He doesn’t read, either by choice or he is incapable of comprehending the written word.

Recently Trump revealed his economic plans for America’s future. They are even more abysmal than his failures between 2017 and 2021.

Economic experts agree that his plans for increasing tariffs, creating a national sales tax on everything, including food and medical supplies, combined with additional tax cuts for the super-rich would add trillions of dollars to the national debt, and cause enormous harm to consumers.

I am convinced that his degree from Wharton was paid for by his father. I doubt Trump attended his classes regularly, and failed to earn his diploma. He knows nothing about anything, and displays a very low level of intelligence every time he opens his pie hole.

A clear sign of a poorly educated person is a constant display of negativity to every situation, blaming others for his own mistakes and crimes, and openly seeking revenge on those he perceives as enemies. This, combined with an affliction known as “malignant narcissism,” makes him a danger to everyone around him.

America would not survive another Trump presidency. In only four years his lack of expertise and experience, combined with his failure to take timely action as Covid-19 approached our shores, nearly caused a Second Great Depression.

Op-ed by James Turnage

My novels are available on Amazon’s free Kindle app



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