Trump Confirms His Loyalty Belongs to Putin


Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart

The only people involved heavily in American politics who ignore Trump’s relationship with Vladimir Putin is the mainstream media. Anyone who makes an average effort to learn about the 37-year relationship between the Russian President and his most important American asset is convinced that Trump’s loyalty is to Putin, not to the United States of America.

Putin is one of the three reasons Trump received a victory in the Electoral College in 2016. Although the Russian dictator was attempting to interfere again in 2020, the American people made history and Trump was evicted from the White House. The FBI is reporting another effort in 2024. Hopefully a voter turnout similar to 2020 will be repeated and Trump will become nothing but a very bad memory. Our corrupt government is doing nothing.

I stop here for a question. Putin has interfered in our most sacred democratic process in the last three elections. Why have we not declared war against Russia, or at the very least declared him an enemy of the State? He has committed three attacks on our nation in support of his most valuable asset, and our government is doing nothing.

Trump would never have been considered an asset for Putin if the murderous dictator had not saved his business interests at least once. Trump would have been nothing but another would be real estate mogul. Donald John Trump owes his very existence to Vladimir Putin.

In 2017 our government attempted to hide the importance of Putin’s interference. A secret meeting in the Oval Office in October of 2016 confirmed the extent of Putin’s involvement in our election. However, our leaders hid the truth from the American people, and the rest is part of our nation’s dark history.

Our government attempted to hide its failure from the American people, but facts cannot be erased.

Trump lost the popular vote by more than three million ballots. He barely won the Electoral College. A total of less than 80,000 votes in three states, Michigan Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin, gave him a very small victory.

If you believe that Trump was not complicit in this fraud, pay attention to how he continues to support and idolize Putin.

Recently, Trump was a guest on the “PBD Podcast.” PBD is known for only one thing: creating conspiracy theories. It is widely believed that it is part of QAnon.

During the interview, Trump blamed Ukraine President Zelenskyy for the continuing war in his democratic country. He completely ignored the fact that it was Putin who invaded a sovereign nation.

“[Zelenskyy] should never have let that war start, the war’s a loser,” Trump said. Trump went on to blame the war that began in 2022 on President Joe Biden, who he blamed for using words “that were the exact opposite of what he should have been saying.”

Trump continues to reveal his worship for Putin, claiming that he is a “genius,” although his losses far surpass those of the freedom fighters in Ukraine.

If you vote for Trump, you are casting your ballot for Putin and his ambitions to destroy the United States of America. The mainstream media will not admit that Putin is and always has been our nation’s most persistent enemy.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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