Abraham Lincoln Was Right on the Money

Our 16th President was a “seer.” In 1838 he predicted America in the 21st century.

[In a January 1838 speech to a group in Springfield, Illinois, Lincoln stated: "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide."]

On November 5th, the American people made their choice, and the choice is clear: the majority prefer an end to democracy and the establishment of fascism in America. I doubt that 75 percent of the men and women who voted for Trump were aware of the truth, and were unaware of Trump’s plans for the destruction of our nation. America has the least informed citizens in the world.

The truth is, none of this matters now. America’s people have surrendered their freedoms to Putin’s Puppet.

The media and the most corrupt politicians in the world can tell you all the lies they want to, but this was the second greatest mistake in American history. The first was in 2016.

Trump’s Project 2025 could have been written by Adolf Hitler or Vladimir Putin, the two men he admires most. It is a 922 page document which contains every promise, every proposal made by Trump during his hate rallies beginning in 2015. It is fascism in written form. Millions of American voters voted for the end of the United States of America. They refused to listen to the men closest to Trump during his disastrous four years between 2017 and 2021. His own Chief of Staff, John Kelly, a retired general, labeled Trump a fascist. His Secretary of Defense, Mark Esper espoused the same opinion. Most importantly, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, Mark Milley, literally called Trump a fascist. Why would any voter not believe them?

Maybe I misjudged the people of my country. Is it possible that there are a greater number of Neo-Nazis infesting our society than I believed possible? That would explain the results of the election.

After the election it became clear that millions of men and women who call themselves “Americans” are not. They hate our freedoms, and reject the equal rights of all people.

On November 6, I renounced my citizenship. It was only to myself, because no one cares about our country’s future. The Fourth Estate committed suicide decades ago. All politicians lie. They protect each other by hiding behind the phrase, “for reasons of national security.” This is the biggest bullshit of all. The people are the nation and we have a right to know if our leaders are crooks.

The ultimate truth is that in America, all persons in power and super-wealthy men and women are not to be trusted. They care only about money and power, not the future of our nation’s 330+ million people.

America has not been a country for decades: it is a business.

Op-ed by James Turnage



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