All News is Fake News After the Disastrous Election

Today completes one week since one of the darkest days in our nation’s history. I find it strange that in just nine years my list of the darkest days in American history has drastically changed.

Prior to Trump’s intrusion into our nation’s politics, my personal list of the most horrific days in our nation’s 248 years began with three unforgettable and unforgettable events: 9/11, December 7, 1941, and the assassination of John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963. In the 21st century, I believe there are other tragic events which threatened our nation’s future from within. Events within our own country, committed by our own leaders, with the assistance of leaders from other nations, could eventually erase the dreams of our Founding Fathers.

On January 6, 2021, a sitting president organized, planned, and executed a failed, violent coup after losing badly in his bid for reelection. The truth is, this terrible day could have been stopped before it began if our government and our military had acted quickly and taken immediate and decisive action to prevent the insurrection.

Second, if our government had taken appropriate action prior to the 2016 election after it was confirmed that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our presidential election in support of Trump less than a month before election day, January 6 would never have happened. Trump’s illegitimate election on November 8, 2016 resulted in enormous harm to our nation, much of which is irreparable.

The third disaster was a slap in the face to every woman in our nation. On January 24, 2022, a stacked, bigoted, and corrupt Supreme Court repealed a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate Court and removed the rights of all women to make decisions related to her personal mental and physical health. Roe v Wade was overturned, removing a woman’s right to have a legal abortion.

The final dark day happened last Tuesday. Uninformed and therefore ignorant voters returned Trump to the White House. His first presidency was a disaster beyond imagination, and his second is guaranteed to be even worse.

A final note. I no longer care about millions of my fellow Americans. If they were stupid enough to give Trump another opportunity to cause enormous harm to our nation’s people, whatever happens to them, they deserve the repercussions. They had nine years to take a serious look at the evil which is Donald Trump.

I’m not bitter: I am pissed.

Op-ed by James Turnage





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