On November 5th I Learned Something: I am no Longer Living in the America I Loved and Respected

I saw the signs, but ignored them. I wanted to believe that the American people were beginning to move forward and join all developed nations, moving bravely into the 21st century. I have been wrong before, but this one is both painful and frightening.

Statistics are not something I trust, most of the time. The mainstream media is no longer interested in facts, their goal is to increase advertising revenue. However, some facts, produced from statistical analysis after the election, are undeniable.

The results of the 2024 presidential election proved that there are more of them than us. The number of people who share Trump’s beliefs in racism, misogyny, anger, hatred, violence, and revenge, or in a single word, “fascism,” is greater than the number of people who believe in the principles of what it once meant to be an American.

What does this mean? It’s simple and extremely sad: my America, the country I loved and respected throughout most of 78 years, ceased to exist nine years ago.

I was proud to be a citizen of a nation in which compassion, understanding, and acceptance were the primary emotions we shared for all of our country’s people. I believed that we had become a nation which cherished the precepts of the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution, that “all men are created equal and that they are endowed, by their Creator, with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.”

However, I am now in the minority. Trump’s supporters have proven that millions of like-minded racists and bigots were simply hiding in the shadows until their leader ascended to the throne carefully hidden in the private living quarters of the “very” White House.

Between 2017 and 2021, Trump, his party, and his “basement dwellers” moved our nation backwards into the very dark days of the mid-twentieth century. They erased 60-70 years of progress. In the world of developed nations, the United States is now in 15th place out of 15 nations, especially in the most important areas; healthcare, education, human rights, and quality of life. This is Trump’s legacy: destroy, destroy, destroy.

However, I must admit something. After years of offering the truth to the American people, who obviously refused to read facts or simply ignored them, I have lost all desire to save America in my own, small way. I simply don’t care about more than one-half of our nation’s people, because they don’t care about you, me, or even themselves and their families. Every expert believes that the people who will experience the most harm from another four years of Trump are his supporters. I hope they are right.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/29/2289377/-I-haven-t-read-a-more-stupid-article-in-a-long-time?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=trending&pm_medium=web




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