“Only in America” has Become a Negative Term in the 21st Century


I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s. There were many imperfections in America’s government which I learned about in high school. However, I was proud to claim the title of “American citizen.” I was positive that our Founding Fathers believed good people would improve upon their dreams. They were noble, but failed to understand the weakness, greed, and avarice of human beings.

Everything drastically changed in the 21st century.

The demise of the once Grand Old Party began in 1981 with the inauguration of Ronald Reagan. Most Americans believed that Ronald Reagan was an old man who would serve his country well. I, and others who voted for him were fooled by a talented actor. Reagan was power mad and a religious extremist, who had plans beyond anyone’s imagination.

Reagan remade the Republican Party completely. He demanded unwavering loyalty. His proposals and policies were to be supported without question. He began the current policy of unity to the point of eliminating free thought and the discussion of new and progressive ideas.

History proves that Reagan was a racist, a bigot, a misogynist, and began the destruction of the first part of the first amendment by supporting Christianity as our nation’s only true religion.

His policies and tactics are the reason Donald Trump gained popularity in 2015. Trump moved our nation backwards instead of joining all other developed nations who were moving bravely into the future and the 21st century.

Democrats have failed to repeat the progressive and successful ideas of Frankling Roosevelt for more than 75 years.

This was clearly not the intent of the courageous men who created our country. They rightfully expected their successors would focus on improving the lives of all of our nation’s people, and fulfill their dreams.

Without changes which would improve the quality of life for all Americans, our country is standing still as every other free nation in the world passes by.

Only in America is financial success a greater motivator and even a “god” for most of its citizens. Our national slogan has become “Profit Before People.”

Only in America has our government failed to guarantee the rights of all of its people to have access to the best healthcare available without cost.

Only in America is higher education unavailable to anyone without tremendous wealth and influence.

Only in America are minorities, the LGBTQ community, women, and non-Christians considered second or even third-class citizens.

Only in America are the votes of all Americans not guaranteed influence in our presidential elections. The Electoral College allows the states to choose our nation’s leader, not the people.

Also demonstrated in our recent election are the facts that only in America does the election cycle last nearly two years, and the cost reaches unbelievable levels of tens of billions of dollars. Only in America are voters forced to endure endless propaganda on their televisions promoting the candidates with lies and misleading attacks. The total spent by both parties on political ads surpassed 12 billion dollars in 2024.

America is also the only country where its government hid the fact from voters that a foreign nation was illegally interfering in our election in support of a single candidate.

The government of the United States has become the tool of the super-rich and ignores the needs and wishes of the majority. Maybe the voters were right last Tuesday: it’s time for what it means to be an “American” to end. The “great experiment” has obviously failed.

What do you think?

Op-ed by James Turnage



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