Pam Bondi for Attorney General? Look at her 2016 Connection with Trump University

The scandal was exposed in March of 2016 by “Crew.” The Attorney General for the state of Florida was a woman by the name of Pam Bondi. She accepted a $25,000 donation from the Trump Foundation intended for her reelection campaign. The problem is, charitable foundations are not allowed to participate in any form of politics.

Why would Trump steal money from his own charitable foundation and give it to a state official when he was living in New York City?

You might remember the now defunct Trump University. It was deemed a fraud by a federal judge, and Trump was forced to pay restitution to the “students” he swindled. One of the states considering a deeper investigation into the fake university was Florida. The paperwork deciding whether or not the state would engage in an investigation would be in the hands of the state’s Attorney General, Pam Bondi.

After receiving Trump’s illegal donation, she abandoned Florida’s efforts to dig deeper into Trump’s alleged efforts to steal money from men and women eager to learn more about the real estate business.Shock and dismay were words used to describe the reaction to Trump’s nomination of Matt Gaetz for the position of Attorney General of the United States of America. He remains under investigation for drug use and distribution, sexual relationswith a minor, and transporting young women across state lines with the intention of engaging in activities of a sexual nature.

However, the mainstream media should be just as shocked and appalled at the nomination of Bondi. Trump continues his efforts to buy her loyalty. Bondi is simply another criminal nominated for Trump’s Washington Mafia.

However, I and many other independent writers continue our efforts to reveal the truth about the mainstream media. The once respected and protected “fourth estate” no longer exists in the form intended by our founding fathers. Television and print journalists have been bought and paid for in an indirect manner for the last nine years.

When television news began broadcasting in the middle of the 20th century, legitimate journalists including Lowell Thomas, Douglas Edwards, Walter Cronkite, John Daly, Chet Huntley, and David Brinkley offered the news of the day in one-half hour without offering personal opinions, or using body language and facial expressions to influence viewer’s decisions about what to believe.

I believe that the American people receive far less information today although multiple networks offer “news” 24 hours a day.

The root of the problem is found in the salaries of today’s news personalities. Unlike their predecessors, today’s on-camera men and women are paid millions of dollars. The link between these corrupt broadcasters and Trump is simple: the orange buffoon guarantees tax breaks for millionaires and billionaires. Therefore, the truth about Trump’s life of crime, debauchery, and close association with Vladimir Putin has never been revealed by the fake television news.

Not a single broadcaster has the courage to do the right thing and call Trump what he is: a traitor, a lifetime criminal, a sexual predator, a sexist, a homophobe, a xenophobe, a Neo-Nazi, and a con man.

It is squarely on the shoulders of fake news personalities that Trump will be allowed to have a cabinet and other heads of critical departments composed of inexperienced, unqualified, criminals, and individuals who oppose the very agencies they will control. Trump’s plans do not include improving our nation’s important agencies, they are focused on destroying the entire government of the United States, and to hand over the keys to the city of Washington D.C. to his handler, Vladimir Putin.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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