Simple Facts and a Comparison Between 2020 and 2024 Demand Answers

I continue to find it difficult to believe that Trump’s victory was legitimate. Several of the results and the reasons Trump was crushed in 2020 require answers to big questions. Add to this Trump’s relationship with Elon Musk, whose wealth offers him the ability hack into voting machines and other electronics and the big question becomes: “Was the 2024 election rigged for Trump as was the 2016 debacle?” Between Putin’s efforts and Musk’s wealth, it would have been easy for the best hackers in the world to rig the election.

Let’s begin with some results in 2020 and the reported results in 2024.

The Popular vote. In 2020 there was an historic voter turnout. When the final votes were counted, Trump lost the popular vote by more than seven million ballots. The official results in 2024 pointed to a Trump victory in the Popular vote.

How could millions of voters have changed their minds about Trump during the last four years, considering his criminal convictions, treason on January 6, and his diminished attendance during his hate rallies? Common sense tells me something was wrong. His age was also a problem for many voters under the age of sixty.

The most unbelievable result was Trump’s supposed victory in all seven swing states. During the last days of the campaign, Kamala Harris spent more time in several swing states than Trump, and her crowds were twice as large as Trump’s.

A third question concerns the number of real Republicans who rejected another Trump presidency, and voted for Harris. Real Republicans who believe in the ideals of their party would never have voted for Trump. The fact that some of his top advisers believed Trump was a danger to our nation’s future was devastating and should have resulted in more votes for Harris, or at the very least, a decision to refrain from voting at all.

There are other questions, but one fact stands out which demands an answer. Apathy was the primary emotion among voters when their choices were between two old, white men, both hovering around the octogenarian mark in their lives. When Kamala Harris entered the race, our nation felt a new emotion called excitement. The very thought of a younger woman who was ethnically diverse gave voters new hope and our nation a new direction. Some voters admitted that they disliked Trump as they left the polls.

“Placeofstillness,” writing for the Daily Kos, offered the following.

[Today I read this:…

“Two open letters penned by computer scientists and hacking experts have detailed how the USA’s election software was compromised and the relatively simple hack which could have then been used to fix the results in the seven swing states. They are calling for an immediate hand recount in key precincts which, they say, should swiftly show that a number of these ballots never existed.”

These are not nut jobs, they are experts in the field.  The data they provide is not made up — they provide actual facts and facts, unlike Trump’s never-ending stream of bullshit, don’t lie. And they are compelling.]

It’s almost comical that after Trump was destroyed in the 2020 election, and lied about “mass fraud” he created to appease his supporters, that in 2024, it may be a reality that there was massive fraud on November 5th.

My greatest fear is that our government will cover-up the truth if the election was illegitimate. They fear that revealing massive incompetence will result in a lack of faith in all government agencies. I already feel that way. I trust no one with power, and that includes the super-rich. It is an undeniable fact that our country’s most powerful leaders hid the truth about Russian interference in the 2016 election until all the votes were counted. Even then they claimed that “Putin’s interference had no affect on the results.” I call “bullshit!”

The government of the United States is the most ineffective and corrupt in the world. I don’t know what country I am living in today, but it is definitely not America as I knew it for 78 years.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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