What You Will Never Hear from Any News Network: The Truth About Our Nation’s Economy

To understand our nation’s up and down economy, we must look at the fiscal policies of every president since 1981. It was 43 years ago when Ronald Reagan became our country’s 40th president. He revealed his fiscal policy which he called “supply side economics.” This misleading term led to a more accurate description known as “trickle-down economics.”

Reagan originated the Republican Party’s current policy of focusing on the success of the super-rich. He claimed that if their huge corporations were profitable, in turn they would create jobs and the foundation of a capitalistic society, consumerism, would grow exponentially.

Of course his policy failed miserably. Billionaires care about no one and nothing else other than increasing their already ludicrous personal wealth.

When Reagan left office in 1989, unemployment was at 10 percent and rising, and the national debt reached an unfathomable one-trillion dollars.

His successor, Republican George H.W. Bush continued Reagan’s policy of giving tax breaks to the super rich and was voted out of office after a single term.

Democrat Bill Clinton was elected in 1992. His fiscal policy was extremely successful. America’s economy flourished, and when he left office in 2001, our nation’s national debt was erased and the treasury enjoyed a surplus of funds.

In 2000 a biased Supreme Court forced a halt to the presidential vote recount occurring in Florida, awarding the presidency to Republican George W. Bush. Like his father, and Reagan before him, he instituted a fiscal policy which had failed miserably: “trickle-down economics.”

For eight years our nation’s economy struggled. Foreclosures on single family homes combined with America’s involvement in two illegal wars, resulted in the “Great Recession.” In 2008 unemployment was reaching record highs, and consumer confidence was in steep decline. Republicans blamed everything on the tragedies which happened on September 11, 2001. This was nothing but a smoke screen. The national debt once again reached figures in the trillions of dollars.

On January 20, 2001, Democrat Barack Obama was inaugurated as our country’s 44th President. For his cabinet and other close advisers, he selected the most qualified men and women in history. He literally bailed out our nation from the disastrous situation he inherited from his predecessor.

When Obama left office in 2017, America’s economy was flourishing and policies were in place to move our nation forward for years to come.

Sadly, in 2016 the least qualified man in history won the Electoral College with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, James Comey, and the mainstream media.

Partly based on his lack of knowledge and experience, and partly because he chose the worst White House staff in history, Donald Trump once again selected trickle-down economics as his fiscal policy.

This policy combined with his failure to lead our nation in its fight against the deadly coronavirus, Covid-19, claiming that “it will just go away,” he left office with our nation nearing another depression. More than 300,000 American workers lost their jobs permanently. In just four years Trump’s failed economic plans added eight trillion dollars to the national debt.

Once more, a Democrat, Joe Biden, was chosen by the people to lead our nation in 2020. His historic victory was a mandate against Trump and his many failures between 2017 and 2021.

Biden immediately created a plan to distribute the vaccine and end the massive number of deaths from the current health emergency. He issued stimulus checks to all Americans, and within his first year in office America’s economy began to stabilize. By 2024, the economy of the United States of America had improved to a level not seen since the end of the 20th century and the administration of Bill Clinton.

After the disastrous and dangerous results of the 2024 election, ignorant voters re-elected the worst president in American history. His selections for a White House staff exceeds the incompetence of his first. Not a single man or woman has experience or qualifications necessary to lead the agencies for which they have been nominated.

Exit polls on November 5th revealed why millions of uninformed Americans surrendered their precious votes to a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator, and our nation’s most infamous traitor: the economy. The media failed to inform the American people about the accomplishments of the Biden administration while constantly misleading the American people about what they referred to as “inflation.”

The reasons for inflation are based on one or both reasonable factors: a lack of raw materials to increase production, or an insufficient number of workers to produce a sufficient quantity of necessities needed and sought by consumers. Neither of these factors was involved. What we, the people, experienced was “greedflation.” This is a situation intentionally created by our nation’s largest corporations to increase profits.

The petroleum industry used this tactic for decades. They were joined by the major corporations which produce America’s food supply and other necessities to sustain life. America has become a business, not a nation charged with improving the lives of all its citizens.

This story is not my truth, it is composed of facts hidden from all 330+ million people by their government in collusion with the mainstream media.

Op-ed by James Turnage



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