When Every Vote is Counted, Will Trump Lose the Popular Vote?

It may surprise some of you, but votes in the 2024 election are still being counted. This is not unusual. On Monday it was reported that Trump’s popular vote has dropped below 50 percent. Think about it.

I said it in November of 2016, and I repeat my statement today: Trump will never be my president because he is not an American. In his own words he opposes every virtue which makes America a respected nation and its people the envy of most countries in the world.

I have learned many things in my 78 years. First, everything changes. If the changes are progressive, everyone benefits. If they are regressive, most people suffer. America has not moved bravely into the 21st century. Millions of our nation’s people continue to harbor racism, bigotry, and misogyny. If you believe in the principles included in “the American way of life,” your thoughts and beliefs are also progressive, or as today’s fake Republicans call us, “damn liberals.”

In the world of developed nations, America is 15th out of 15 in education and the overall quality of life. It took Trump only four years to accomplish this the first time. Where will America be in 2029?

I cannot accept the statistics which show Trump winning the popular vote. He lost by more than seven million in 2020. My average intelligence tells me that a swing this monumental is illogical.

Exit polls revealed that many voters who voted for Trump claimed not to like him as a person. Just a few years ago no man could be elected if he had been divorced once. Trump has been married three times and had numerous sexual encounters with other women during all three marriages. Our nation has lost its moral compass. Because fake Christians continue to support Trump, we know that the Christian religion is based on fantasy and fairy tales. Like everything else in America, Christianity is a business. Money is God, and nothing is as it seems.

Kamala Harris is less than 1.5 points behind. Of course, none of this matters. Only in America do we have a system which allows the states to select our nation’s leader. The Electoral College is opposed to democracy, and is unconstitutional.

One result of the controversial election continues to surprise and concern me. It appears that our country remains a sexist nation. More Americans believe that women are second-class citizens than equal. If this is accurate, the United States is the only developed nation to support this archaic belief.

Fact: over the last 248 years it has been primarily old, white men who have failed our nation’s people. They are responsible for the focus on profit before people. They are responsible for illegal and immoral wars which benefit investors in the military industrial complex. They violated the Constitution continuously with support for a single religion over all others. They are responsible for the poor quality of life which exists for one-half of all Americans.

If you are unaware of the regressive policies of Donald Trump, you likely wasted your vote on the worst president in American history. You will learn that the old, obese man you voted for will cause enormous harm to you and your family. Of greater importance is the fact that your children and grandchildren will feel the pain of your mistake for years to come.

Finally, with Trump and his fascist party in power, you can say good-bye to my America. Sadly, you will never know what it was like to be proud of your country.

Op-ed by James Turnage




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