It Seems Impossible but Trump’s House Republicans Are Dumber Than He Is

A few writers like me, who focused on the life of Donald John Trump, know him well. From 2015 until today, the world’s population was given an opportunity to look beyond the illusion and discover what his hidden behind the lies and misdirection.

I know that regardless of his diploma and claims about being a “stable genius,” he is poorly educated, and lacks a level of intellect which allows average men and women to think logically and speak clearly and intelligibly. He literally knows nothing about anything of importance. Bluntly: he has no common sense or frame of reference which allows him to relate to the majority of mankind. Trump told us that he “learns everything he needs to know from television,” colloquially known as “the boob tube.” Anyone who cannot or refuses to read is an uninformed, ignorant individual.

If you know, as I do, that Trump has a very low-level intellect, this part of the story will find you asking the question: “just how dumb are Republican members of the House?”

The Senate passed another “stop gap” measure to prevent a government shutdown over Christmas. However, Republicans in the House are unsure of how to react. They are waiting for instructions from their Fuhrer. Trump is apparently waiting for permission from Elon Musk, or as we have become to know him, “the co-president.”

“Increasing the debt ceiling is not great but we’d rather do it on Biden’s watch,” Trump said in a statement Wednesday announcing his opposition to Johnson’s continuing resolution.

“If Democrats won’t cooperate on the debt ceiling now, what makes anyone think they would do it in June during our administration? Let’s have this debate now. And we should pass a streamlined spending bill that doesn’t give Chuck Schumer and the Democrats everything they want.”

Once again Trump and his failed party are playing politics with the lives of thousands who actually work in the federal government. All three branches of our government will continue to receive their paychecks as they sit on their fat behinds. Doing nothing and still receiving a salary has become standard operating procedure in 21st century Washington. However, working class men and women will be temporarily unemployed or be forced to work for no pay.

If all Americans were well-informed, right-wing politicians would never win an election. They are the creators of our country’s current plutocracy, and plutocrats don’t give a damn about most of our nation’s 340 million people. Republicans and their owners are responsible for Greedflation, and the financial rape of the working class.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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