Question After Question and Our Corrupt Government Refuses to Provide Answers

After looking for answers to my questions for more than a month, I hereby claim that there are a sufficient number of questions unanswered to convince me that the 2024 election was rigged in favor of Trump and the “attempted assassination” was staged.

First, a question no one in the mainstream media, or the Secret Service has answered: “where’s the bullet?”

The scenario was sketchy at best. A young gunman, who had trained himself to use a high velocity rifle, moved into a position which allowed him to attempt the assassination of Donald Trump. This never should have happened. Members attending the rally pointed to the gunman long before he took his first shot.

One of his supporters was shot and died at the scene, and two were seriously injured. However, the biggest target, and the most clearly visible, was not seriously injured. In fact, the bullet barely nicked his right ear. In fact, the alleged injury was so minor, it was incapable of altering the trajectory of the lethal projectile. If Trump was actually grazed from a gunshot, where is the bullet?

Trump loves to stand in front of dozens of his supporters, creating a wall of humanity who enjoy the privilege of looking at his humongous derriere during his rambling speeches. If a bullet did graze his ear, where did the bullet find an end to its path? It would likely have struck one of Trump’s supporters, or at the very least a seat or something else in the area.

I claim that there was no bullet. When Trump dropped down below the podium, he used a trick he learned from his friend, Vince McMahon, the former chairman and CEO of the WWE. There is an old saying in professional wrestling: “red makes green.” In other words, a little blood increases the drama, and therefore attendance numbers.

The trick is simple. A small razor blade is hidden on the body of a wrestler. When the right situation occurs, he uses the blade to cut his ear and the blood trickles down immediately.

Is this why Trump nominated Sharon McMahon for the position of Secretary of Education; a position she is woefully unfit to receive?

In 2020 Joe Biden won the popular vote by more than seven million ballots. He also won contested states, including, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Georgia, Arizona, and Nevada, The turnout surpassed all previous numbers.

Over the next four years Trump organized, planned, and executed a failed coup, violated the Espionage Act when he hid boxes of national secrets throughout Mar-a-Largo and lied to the FBI, continues to lie about the results of the 2020 election, and committed smaller infractions too numerous to mention. He lost the large numbers once celebrated at his hate rallies, and many prominent Republicans including members of his own White House staff denounced him as a “danger to America’s future.”

It is not logical that Trump was victorious in all seven swing states, and won the popular vote. The turnout was not as large as 2020, which makes it impossible to believe that about eight million Democratic voters changed their minds and voted for Trump in 2024. His age, failure to perform his job during Covid-19, and his disastrous economic failure between 2017 and 2021, which resulted in the loss of 300,000 jobs and an increase in the national debt of more than eight trillion dollars raise huge questions which have been ignored by our government and the mainstream media.

Early in 2024, the FBI confirmed that Vladimir Putin was once again attempting to interfere in our election in support of Trump. That is the last we ever heard of this declaration of war.

One tech company announced its suspicion that Russian hackers altered the results in the voting machines in at least seven states.

Personally, I will never recognize Trump as my president. He is not an American. He opposes every value which is at the core of the reasons our Founding Fathers created the New Nation. Only a patriotic American should be allowed to wear the title of President of the United States.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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