This Country, I Once Loved, is Bat-Shit Crazy and I Don’t Like it Anymore

On November 9, 2016, when I learned that somehow, someway the least qualified man in history, and likely in the future, had received a victory in the Electoral College, I literally became numb. My brain could not comprehend what had happened to my country.

I knew the real Donald Trump. I was aware that he had committed tax fraud for years. I knew about his bribery of state officials, I had researched his past and discovered that he was a failed businessman who had been rescued by Vladimir Putin and his Oligarchs at least once, and then again by the Saudi Royal Family. His many accusations of sexual assault were based on fact. He committed adultery while married to three different women. I also knew that he had been to at least two of Jeffrey Epstein’s sex parties. Finally, I was convinced that not only did daddy Fred buy his exemptions, keeping him from serving in Vietnam, he also paid for his diploma from Wharton. Trump had records sealed the moment he was sworn into office on January 20, 2017. I believe he failed to legally obtain graduation certificates from military boarding school, and Pennsylvania University.

For Trump to win a second election is incomprehensible, and likely illegitimate. I cannot believe that millions of Americans changed their minds from 2020 and believed that Trump was capable of leading our nation. He failed his one big test. More than a million Americans lost their lives from Covid-19. A large number of those lives could have been spared if he had taken action immediately when he learned of the threat in December of 2019.

Okay, even if I am right, our government will do nothing. They have proven that they will accept Trump’s woefully unqualified nominees, many of whom are criminals, and all of whom are millionaires or billionaires with no experience in the departments they will lead.

The con man was convicted of 34 felonies, and faced at least two more trials for committing the most egregious crimes possible against our nation. Instead of rotting in a prison, he is being honored by the super-rich, and will soon defile our country’s most revered home again. Only in America: a nation without laws, morals, or principles.

Trump is an insignificant piece of excrement in the lives of most of the world’s population. However, millions of uninformed, ignorant, brainwashed Americans continue to worship the orange buffoon.

I am aware that many of Trumpenstein’s followers are Neo-Nazis, and he is their leader. His family is a sad tale of racism and bigotry. This can mean only one of two things: the people of our country are the dumbest in the universe, or America is predominately a nation composed of racists, bigots, and misogynists.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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