Women Remain Second, and Even Third-Class Citizens

Our recent election proved three things. America is the most racist and bigoted nation in the free world, and it is also a nation which continues to celebrate its misogyny.

Exit polls, unreported by the mainstream media, revealed an additional component for Trump’s controversial victory. A large percentage of voters claimed that they were doubtful that a woman could lead our nation. This once again proves that in the world of developed nations, the United States is the most regressive country in the world.

Trump is the leader of the American Neo-Nazi movement. He is a convicted felon and a confirmed sexual predator. His organization, planning, and execution of the January 6, 2021 insurrection proves that he is America’s greatest traitor. For some reason Trump was not arrested immediately for his theft of national secrets, violating the Espionage Act, a law which applied to the Rosenbergs, who were executed in 1953.

In Hitler’s Germany, women played a secondary role. In America they are often considered third-class citizens, placing all men first and an undeveloped fetus second. Is Trump worse than Hitler? I believe historians will confirm this as a sad reality. The orange buffoon will most likely destroy America, which could have become the greatest nation in history.

Let’s tell the absolute and irrefutable truth. Mostly old, white men have failed our nation for 248 years. It is past time when more intelligent and compassionate women move into leadership. Men love wars and believe that money is more important than human life. Change cannot be nothing more than an idea, it must become a reality.

Trump was challenged in two elections by two women. Both of these extraordinary human beings were far more intelligent and qualified to lead our nation than an old, obese, failed man whose affliction with malignant narcissism made him useless in any interaction with other human beings.

If this is the “New America,” I do not wish to exist in it. My America was given an opportunity to become the greatest nation in the world, but failed miserably. Our nation’s people made poor choices when selecting its leaders. Most of our nation’s presidents failed to perform the jobs for which they were selected, and caused far more damage than their meager accomplishments.

However, history has proven that most voters are uninformed and vote based upon emotion and lies. The invention of television exacerbated the situation.

I am no longer proud to be an American. I am ashamed of what my once beloved country has become. I sincerely doubt that it is worthy of any effort to save it for posterity.

I am a patriot who believes in the principles and promises contained in the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution. However, I have become the minority, and therefore an enemy to those who rule over me in Washington today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.dailykos.com/stories/2024/11/30/2277483/-What-s-behind-the-widening-gender-wage-gap-in-the-US?pm_campaign=front_page&pm_source=top_news_slot_9&pm_medium=web



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