15 Days of Democracy Remain
I remember how I felt on this day, eight years ago. I had not fully recovered from the disastrous results of the 2016 rigged election, but I was trying to be positive.
I hoped that Trump might not be as dangerous and destructive as I anticipated. I was very naive.
When I watched the “lowlights” of his very sparsely attended inauguration, what little hope I had began to disappear. He spoke in negative terms, telling everyone how horrible the United States had become. What he was actually doing was telling the American people how unpleasant he planned to make life for the average man and woman in America.
A few days later, he issued his first executive order. Of course, it violated the Constitution. Trump attempted to ban all Muslims from entering our nation, with the exception of his friends in Saudi Arabia.
A short time after that, I learned that he was violating the Emoluments Clause. Trump retained control of his foreign business interests. He was using his position to increase his personal wealth.
His crimes escalated over the next four years. He ended his reign of terror by committing treason on January 6, 2021, and by violating the Espionage Act on January 20.
Knowing that he committed the most grievous crimes possible, what can we expect from Trump over the next four years?
My advice is be prepared for the worst and know it could become worse than that.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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