America is Burning and the World is Laughing

The unthinkable happened. The United States of America elected a Nazi to run and ruin their nation. 

This is what the world is saying, and why they are laughing at the stupidest people in the free world. We could have remained neutral in WWII and simply allow Hitler to conquer the world, sharing it with the Emperor of Japan. That would have saved more than 400,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars each year between 1941-1945.  However, the American government is the worst and most incompetent in the world.  

The citizens of most nations are far more informed than our country’s people. They are undoubtedly convinced that for the second time in our nation’s history, Vladimir Putin decided the outcome of America’s future.  

If at any time in my 78 years someone had told me that any free and developed nation had elected a leader that was nearing 80 years of age, was a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator whose closest “friend” for 10 years was Jeffrey Epstein, committed treason by planning, organizing, and executing a failed coup, and stole secrets for his personal use in violation of the Espionage Act, I would have laughed so hard fluids would have erupted from both ends of my body. 

I would also be sad for that country’s people. It had obviously become a nation without laws, and the people would become even less important in their nation’s capital. The word is “corruption.” The situation is called a “plutocracy.” 

Between 2017 and 2021 our nation changed in many ways: none of them for the better. The accomplishments of 44 presidents who preceded him were repealed with the scribble of a Sharpie. 

It is an irrefutable fact that all government officials, including the Supreme Court ignored the reality that dozens of his actions directly violated the Constitution.  

If Trump is allowed to remain in office for four years, he and his 756 oligarchs will destroy the very essence of what was once a revered and envied nation. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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