Democrats Can Kick Ass by Returning to Their Past

I’ve read all the suggestions and analyses of the Democratic Party, and, in my estimation, they are all full of shit. 

I have watched the changes in both political parties for about 68 years, and I can tell you what is wrong with both of them. 

For Republicans, it began in 1981 with the beginning of Reagan’s first term. Reagan demanded absolute loyalty, no dissent from any Republican was allowed: Reagan’s word was infallible. During this   same period, support for what would become the Christian Religious Right, and for the super-rich became part of the party’s platform: trickle-down economics. Over the next 44 years, it would move further and further to the right.  

To win elections, Democrats also moved further to the right, abandoning their  principles and being the party of positive change: of moving bravely forward into the future. They forgot that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the most popular president in history because he was “the people’s President.” His multiple terms were focused on improving the quality of life for all Americans, and the people noticed 

The Democrats of today are the Republicans of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I was 21 years old in 1967, but voted for the first time in 1968. I decided to be an Independent voter a couple of years before I first went to the polls to submit my ballot. However, I do not recognize either party today.  

Those who call themselves Republicans have abandoned their beliefs in encouraging the growth of small business, smaller government, and preventing government from interfering in your private and personal lives. Today, they are the party of big business, establishing more power for the president in our government, and controlling the lives of all Americans. Another of the darkest days in American history, June 24, 2022, when a corrupted Supreme Court overturned a 49-year-old decision and repealed Roe v Wade, confirming the latter.  

Not a single Republican can be trusted. Like their party’s leader, they depend on lies and misdirection to win elections. 

Democrats must move farther to the left, demonstrating their unrelenting support for the working class; the great majority.  

Standing still is not acceptable. Our nation must move forward or surrender to the regressive policies of Trump and his fascist-leaning party. America is behind every other developed nation in the world. The situation is dire. It has become a matter of grow or die.  

James Carville, a notable Democratic strategist suggested that Democrats must become more “MAGA-like.” He is very wrong. Democrats must become real Democrats once again and be proud and resolute in their efforts  to support the majority. 

Op-ed by James Turnage 

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