I Can’t Wait Two More Weeks to Bitch About This

Two weeks from next Monday is the worst and most insulting holiday in America. I bitch about it every year, but thanks to the illegitimate reelection of the Antichrist, and based upon the evil he casts on our nation, I couldn’t wait two more weeks to write another rant.

Presidents Day is not only the dumbest idea for a holiday I could ever imagine, it is an insult to the few great presidents who deserve to be honored.

When I was a school-age boy, many years ago, we honored two very deserving presidents: Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, February 12, and George Washington on his, February 22nd.

I will not pay homage to Andrew Jackson, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and definitely not the worst in history, Donald Trump. There are many others who should not be remembered for anything other than the harm they did to our country, and the level of incompetence they displayed every day they were in office..

In my lifetime, I was blessed with only one great president, John Fitzgerald Kennedy. As someone who loves history, my list of great presidents is very limited. Other than Washington, Lincoln, and Kennedy, my short list contains only two other men. They were cousins with different agendas, but both had the courage to do the right thing every day they were in office: Teddy Roosevelt, and the greatest of all time, Franklin Delano Roosevelt who was without a doubt “the People’s President.”

It is a sad but accurate statement that most of our 47 presidents have been more regressive than progressive. Most of our nation’s leaders have been influenced by the wealthy and powerful. Few of our nation’s presidents have placed the welfare of the majority as priority number one. The agendas of most included politics and their parties, making changes which were beneficial for themselves in the future, and paybacks for financial support during their elections.

On February 17th, when you are celebrating Presidents Day, I will be watching a movie or reading a book. I will not waste my time thinking about the many pretenders who held the highest office in America.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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