If You Live in a Red State, Trump is Your President: Not so Much in Blue States
If you read my rants frequently, you know that I never have
and never will refer to Trump as my president. He is not an American by
definition, and he will never serve all 340 million Americans. He will care for
the citizens in states which elected him and rule over the rest.
Without a single qualification, no experience, including the
time between January 20, 2017 and January 20, 2021, and no desire to perform
the duties required by his job description, he does not deserve respect from any
real American. Respect and trust must be earned, not given freely, and he has
never accomplished anything in his 78 years and seven months, which resulted in
a positive result for anyone other than himself.
I live in a swing/purple state. Here in Nevada, I feel a lot
of tension. Trump caused more harm to America in four years than I imagined. I
predicted a great division, and massive destruction. However, he was far worse
than I believed possible.
His last year was his worst. He refuses to read anything. An
aide was designated to read the Presidents Daily Brief and Trump would decide
what level of importance each issue required. If it had no direct effect on him,
he ignored the information.
This is what happened with the coronavirus. An aide informed
him about the threat of a major health situation in December of 2019. Trump
didn’t care. He continued to tell us “it will just go away” until March when
Americans began to die.
When he was evicted from the White House on January 20,
2021, more than one million Americans had lost their lives and the economy
crashed, placing our nation in a possible depression. President Biden saved our
nation from two disastrous situations. Health care experts claim that least
100,000 lives might have been spared if he had acted like a real president and responded
God forbid another national emergency occurs between January
20, 2025 and January 20, 2029.
To finalize my opinion of Trump, he possesses none of the
qualities I demand from our nation’s leader. He is the direct antithesis of the
few great presidents in our nation’s history: Washington, Lincoln, Franklin
Roosevelt, and Kennedy.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog and enjoy my novels on Amazon’s Kindle
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