In America, It’s Not Safe to Leave Your Home


Domestic Terrorism. You don’t hear these two words on television news, and they are seldom included in stories offered by the mainstream media. However, a few years ago, FBI Director, Christopher Wray proclaimed domestic terrorism as “the greatest danger to the American people.”

The most obvious acts which confirm the danger of domestic terrorism are the number of mass shootings in our gun-crazed country. Since 2017, there have been more mass shootings than days on the calendar.

There have been other acts intended to kill innocent Americans, and last night, New Years Eve, in New Orleans, just outside the French Quarter, a deranged, obviously enraged man drove his truck into a large number of men and women celebrating the New Year. He killed 10 immediately and injured 35 more. When his truck was stopped by law enforcement, he stepped out of the vehicle and shot two police officers before he was killed by gunfire from the other officers present at the scene.

This would never have been reported nationally if the number of deaths and injured had been much smaller. It is commonplace for mass murders to occur in the most dangerous nation in the world.

It is no longer safe to leave your home. You can be murdered at the mall, the grocery store, at church, and your children can go to school but never come home again.

With an illegitimate president who preaches fear, anger, and hatred every time he opens his mouth, what would you expect. Trump is quick to incite violence but is a coward. Remember, his daddy paid for deferments from the Vietnam War.

If our government cannot performs its primary function: to keep our nation's people safe, what good are they. Vote them all out of office. They can end the threat of domestic terrorism but refuse to challenge the NRA.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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