“Liar, Liar California’s on Fire” and You are an A**hole


I guess I have to say it again: “if Trump’s piehole is open, he’s lying.” In another of his rambling speeches, filled with gibberish and unintelligible phrases, Trump offered another lie. Why? Because the majority of Californians reject a Trump presidency and will never accept him as their leader.

It is clear that Trump is Beelzebub on earth. In a speech made from his fat, old, rich, white man’s playpen, Mar-a-Lago, Trump blamed the horrific fires occurring in Southern California on a shortage of water caused by Governor Gavin Newsome’s policies. He also claimed that President Biden has used all available FEMA funds and there are none left for him when he takes the oath of office in just 11 days. That oath will be nothing but another lie.

Of course, both allegations are blatant lies.

Newsome has never received a bill to sign related to water restrictions in California. He literally does not know what he’s talking about, regardless of the subject. Remember, he actually suggested that drinking bleach would cure Covid-19.

“There was never a ‘water restoration declaration’ in California that the Governor refused to sign,” Brent Haddad, an environmental studies professor at the University of California, Santa Cruz, said in a Wednesday email.

As for FEMA, the truth proves that Trump doesn’t know anything about our government and what is taking place on Capitol Hill.

[The December bill approved $29 billion in new money for the Disaster Relief Fund, (FEMA). Biden had asked Congress for $40 billion – plus billions more in other new disaster-related funding.]

This is no surprise to anyone like me who attempts to stay informed about what is happening in our government. Between 2017 and 2021 Trump refused to read the “Presidents Daily Brief,” and knew nothing about what was happening in his own country or around the world. We know that although an aide informed Trump of an approaching pandemic in late December of 2019, he ignored the information and told us “it will just go away,” until Americans began to die in March. The orange buffoon continued to brag that, “everything I need to know, I learn from television,” (Fox News). Health experts tell us that more than one million Americans died from the effects of Covid-19 and Trump’s failure to take timely action makes him directly responsible for at least 10 percent of those lives.

Everything Trump has said or done since election day is frightening. Beelzebub will be far worse in 2025 than his was in 2017. He is eight years older and displays signs of senility and escalating dementia. Already cursed with low intelligence, he will soon need 24-hour care to survive.

If you have ever lost one hour of your life reading or listening to one of Trump’s long and rambling speeches, you know one fact: he is the king of hate speech. All of his boring and nonsensical ramblings teach his supporters to fear, be angry, and hate anyone who disagrees with the malignant narcissist. He frequently suggests the commission of violence in his name, although the draft dodger himself is a coward.

I say again: Trump will never be my president.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://www.cnn.com/2025/01/09/politics/fact-check-trump-california-wildfires-fema/index.html




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