MMM, the Old Man Who Proved Term Limits are Mandatory
Trump is the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender.” However,
he would not have risen from the depths of hell if one man had the courage to
support the Constitution.
I cannot predict how history will remember Moscow Mitch
McConnell. If it is a truthful accounting, his 40 years in the Senate will be
revealed as four decades of support for himself and his party. There is not a
single record of accomplishing anything of a positive nature in his life. He
has never served the majority of our nation’s people: he ruled over us since
The Great Destructor, the Antichrist, continues to destroy
every positive action by his predecessor, a true American and a lifetime
patriot, President Joe Biden. However, none of this would be happening if Moscow
Mitch had chosen to obey the Constitution.
Trump was impeached for cause twice; in 2019 and 2021. The
first impeachment came after Trump violated the Constitution as he attempted to
bribe the President of Ukraine. The second was for “obstruction of justice”
related to the failed coup attempt on January 6, 2021. He should have been
charged with treason. I know, because my wife and I watched all three hours of
the darkest day in American history.
It was the responsibility of Moscow Mitch to hold a fair and
comprehensive trial in the Senate. On both occasions, Moscow Mitch declared
that Trump would be exonerated before the “trial” began. MMM literally took a
huge dump on our nation’s most sacred document.
The irrefutable fact is that if Trump was given a fair
trial, he would have been removed from the White House in 2019, and our country
would have returned to a respected nation where justice and equal protection
under the law was supported by our government and the Supreme Court.
MMM did not stop there. It is no secret to anyone that one
of Moscow Mitch’s goals was to reverse the decision of a legitimate Supreme
Court, Roe v Wade. To accomplish his life’s ambition, to remove the right of
all women to make decisions about her own mental and physical health, he must “stack”
the Court with individuals who are loyal to him, not to the American people and
the Constitution.
In February of 2016, the most extreme justice on the Court,
Antonin Scalia, suddenly passed away. President Obama nominated a
well-respected Judge, Merrick Garland to fill Scalia’s seat on the Court. MMM,
hoping that Trump would win the November 8 election, made up a rule which
clearly violated the intent of the Constitution. He declared that he would
refuse to hold confirmation hearings until after the election. In 2017, misogynist
Neil Gorsuch was confirmed to the vacant seat on the Court.
In 2018, Justice Anthony Kennedy decided to retire. He named
his own successor, Brett Kavanaugh. Although Kavanaugh was an alleged
alcoholic, and was charged with sexual assault by Doctor Christine Blasey Ford,
he was confirmed. Strike two.
Now for one of the greatest acts of hypocrisy in American
The legendary Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg lost her battle
with cancer and passed in September of 2020. Breaking his own rule, MMM nominated
and rushed the confirmation of Amy Coney Barrett in October, just weeks before
the election. Strike three. The credibility and respect for the Court
disappeared in an instant.
None of the three Trump/MMM nominees were qualified to sit
on the highest Court in the land. However, they all promised to overturn Roe v
Wade. The Court was stacked in support of right-wing extremism by a margin of
On another dark day in history, June 24, 2022, a corrupted and
biased Supreme Court repealed a decision made by a legitimate Supreme Court
made 49 years in the past. MMM accomplished his lifelong dream.
Throughout his too-long career, MMM not once fought for the
wishes of the majority of our nation’s people. The only Amendment to the Bill
of Rights he supported was the Second. The NRA gun lobby placed millions of
dollars in his reelection war chest over four decades.
Moscow Mitch opposed our nation’s democratic government
constantly. He refused to allow Democrats a seat on committees opposed to
violating the Constitution, and in support of the super-rich and the Christian
Religious Right. MMM is the primary reason our government is completely dysfunctional
In 2009, after the first inauguration of Barack Obama, he
stood before the television camera and created the party of “No.” He said: “Our
goal is to make that man a one-term president. Until then, our party will do
nothing.” I paraphrase. He kept his promise throughout the eight years of the
Obama administration, displaying racism and lack of respect for a real American
President. However during the four years of the Trump reign of terror, the
legislative branch passed the fewest number of bills into law in history. As he
is doing today, all of Trump’s executive orders were and are destructive. He
has no knowledge of how to accomplish anything which would have positive
Mosco Mitch is the enemy of the American people. He has
always been the problem, not the solution.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog because the truth lives here
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