Pacifism-Hatred-Putin’s Puppet-Armed Militia-Saving America

I am a proud pacifist. Violence never accomplishes anything, and no war has ever been “won.” Even when I was a martial arts instructor, my first attempt was to encourage my students to avoid violence whenever possible.

Our oath: “I come to you with empty hands: I have no weapons. However if it is a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then these are my weapons: Karate, my empty hands.”

I am beginning to think that “my empty hands may not be enough.”

It is an undeniable fact that Trump is Putin’s puppet. It is a fact known by our government, both political parties, and our military that in 2016 and 2024 Putin won the election for Trump. On both occasions, Trump is an illegitimate president whose intent is to destroy the dream of our founding fathers forever.

As a pacifist, I have renounced the destructive emotion of hatred for most of my life. However, because the future of 340 million people is in the balance, and the country I love is under attack, I have learned to hate Trump and his Nazi army, which is in control of our nation’s future today.

The worst Amendment in the Bill of Rights is the Second. It is ambiguous, poorly written, and undefined. However, it has never been revoked or rewritten after the establishment of a regular military. It provides for the existence of an armed militia, and this applies to 2025. All patriotic Americans must arm themselves and prepare for further destruction as Trump orders attacks on every man and woman in our nation who opposes his plan to destroy all democratic institutions in our nation and establish a fascist regime exactly like in 1930’s Germany, and today’s Russia.

Understand one fact: Trump is not smart enough to make the decisions occurring in Washington today. He is simply putting his signature on documents he is unable to read. He has no understanding about the operations of our government. Needless to say, he was not a “working president.” He is obeying Putin without a single disagreement. Trump hates the country of his birth and is willing to end its existence for his own benefit.

You need not be a Constitutional Scholar to know that nearly every executive order issued by Trump is unconstitutional or simply illegal. I ask, “why are Democrats, and our military leaders in the Pentagon keeping their mouths closed and not protesting Trump’s efforts to reduce our nation to nothing but a memory?”

America has not had a leader who possessed courage since the assassination of JFK on November 22, 1963. No Republican, nor Democrats Johnson, Carter, Clinton, Obama, or Biden, displayed willingness to do the right thing every time without fear of losing an election.

If just one man or woman had displayed courage and informed the American people about the actions of our government and their failures to protect our nation from enemies, foreign and domestic, the United States would not be facing extinction today.

Trump is the “Destroyer,” the Antichrist. He has never accomplished anything in his life. Vengeance is his primary goal. He is undoing every action by his predecessor, a true patriot, which had positive effects for the majority.

Allow me to offer you a classic example of how Trump’s damaged little brain works.

General Mark Milley was the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff when Trump was pretending to be your president between 2017-2021. After the Antichrist was evicted from the White House, General Milley began to expose the real Donald Trump.

During the 2024 campaign, General Milley warned the American people of how dangerous it would be to allow Trump a second reign of terror. He was entirely correct.

After the worst choice for Secretary of Defense, Peter “the Alcoholic” Hegseth, was confirmed, one of his first actions was to remove General Milley’s security detail, allowing him to become a target for Trump’s Nazi army.

Trump must not only be removed from the White House, he must be removed from the face of the earth. Let's send him on a one-way trip to explore Mars. He is the greatest danger to our planet’s future in history.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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