What Can You Do When The Supreme Court Becomes The Enemy Of The People?

Five men and one woman. This gang of six are all biased in support of right-wing extremists who dominate today’s Republican Party in name only and serve Trump, ignoring the needs of the average American. John Roberts, Clarence Thomas, Samuel Alito, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh, and Amy Coney Barrett are corrupt Supreme Court justices who control your life. How do we fight against this gang of six and save our country for posterity?

The sad truth is, we can do absolutely nothing.

Of all the mistakes made by our Founding Fathers, one surpasses all others. The damage caused by not placing term limits on all three branches of government is the primary reason our government is now the most corrupt and incompetent in the world.

The intentions of our Founding Fathers when they created the judicial branch of our government were admirable. However, they were obviously naïve. They underestimated the vices of greed and ambition possessed by all mankind. I believe that given the opportunity most men and women would take advantage of their positions of power and wealth.

They believed that to preserve the purpose of the Court: to prevent the establishment of any law, policy, or rule which would violate the Constitution: justices should not be elected officials. They were given lifetime appointments to prevent elections and protect their positions from overly ambitious presidents.

Nice ideas, but they were not wise about the relationship of man and his desire for power over other men.

Five of the gang of six should never have been confirmed. Only John Roberts was qualified to hold a seat on the Court and why he is now the Chief Justice. However, he has abandoned his principles and no longer does the right thing when pressured by his peers.

The only way to remove a justice sitting on the Supreme Court is through the impeachment process. This is nearly impossible.

I have lobbied for two changes in our government or most of my adult life.

Term limits are mandatory. With great power comes avarice, greed, and the abandonment of principles and morals. Most of the 546 men and women who control our nation have forgotten their purpose: to serve and protect the safety, needs, and wishes of the American people: all of us, not just the one percent.

The Electoral College is a travesty. I believe it violates the intent of the Constitution. The Electoral College allows the states to choose the man or woman who will lead our nation every four years.

Voting is the only weapon available to the average American. The people should choose our presidents and every vote should count. The Electoral College voids millions of votes in every state. If your candidate did not win the majority in your state, your vote becomes nothing more than trash.

The Electoral College is the reason our nation is divided between red and blue states. This failed system must be repealed.

Finally, the Supreme Court was not intended to possess such enormous power. They are not analyzing laws today, they are rewriting them. Term limits could end this serious mistake.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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