What a Great Day, Trump Called Seth Meyers “Marble Mouth”

I’m jealous. Seth Meyers hurt Trump’s fragile ego and has been given one of his ludicrous nicknames: Marble Mouth.

I have written thousands of articles focused on the evils of the orange buffoon, and Trump doesn’t care. However, Trump told us that he learns everything he needs to know on television, and apparently watches Late Night with Seth Meyers, as do I.

“How bad is Seth Meyers on NBC, a ‘network’ run by a truly bad group of people,” Trump wrote, adding that he “got stuck watching Marble Mouth Meyers the other night.”

I didn’t believe it would be possible in June of 2015 when Trump attempted to make a grand entrance inside of Trump Tower to declare his intention to win the Republican Party’s presidential nomination, but I was wrong. It is easy to find new ways to characterize the dumbest man in the world every day: and it’s all true!

Afflicted with a mental disorder called “malignant narcissism,” it is all too easy to step on Trump’s ego and send him into a rage. Now that he is rapidly approaching the ripe old age of 80, senility and dementia make him appear even more moronic.

I know he either doesn’t choose to or cannot read, but maybe someone will tell him about my opinion of him and give me a nickname.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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