A Wealthy Man
My wife and I are older Americans struggling to survive on a
fixed income. The good and bad news is that our total income is slightly above
the poverty line. This prevents us from receiving free healthcare, and other
services reserved for the poor. However, we have survived many difficult times
and will continue to do so as long as we are together.
This is not intended to be a story about complaints and
government failure, although there are many. This is about what I hope will be
my legacy.
I didn’t begin writing until I was forced to retire for the
last time in 2011. My last “real job” ended in 2008. However, in 2009 I was
hired by the Decennial Census, and worked for the government in various
capacities until the end of 2010. From then until now, I have been officially
retired with the exception of my new life as a writer.
My initial effort was my first novel, “A Little Murder in
the Biggest Little City.” I believe it was good for a first effort, but I
learned from every new endeavor in my attempts at writing fiction. I am struggling
to complete my tenth novel. Nothing new for anyone who seeks creativity and
In 2012 I began writing for a Las Vegas based newspaper,
print and online.
I began my interest in politics in 1956 at the age of 10. I
came home from school one day, turned on our 19-inch black and white
television, and on every channel, there were only three, was the Republican
National Convention: Dwight Eisenhower’s attempt to win reelection. I was
fascinated, and with age came a greater interest in whatever was happening in
As a man in full retirement, my interest in politics became
a passion; maybe an obsession.
A couple of months later, I learned that my articles had
become popular. I was surprised then, but less surprised 13 years later. I
speak the truth without exception. I abhor conspiracy theories.
To sum up my life, I always try to do the right thing,
regardless of the angry comments I often receive. I promised my editor that I would
always speak truth to power, and continue to do so today.
I do not consider myself an average 78-year-old man. I have
accepted change throughout my life. Sometimes I may not like change, but I
realize it is inevitable, at least most of the time.
I am an independent progressive, a liberal, and proud of it.
For me, this means that I care about others as much as myself. I believe in the
America I experienced from my younger years until 2017 when one man, the same
age as I was, began to move America backwards to the time when white supremacy,
homophobia, anti-Semitism, and misogyny were the norm.
During my 78 years I have enjoyed moments of pride as my
country began to live up to the words of the Constitution. Men and women of
color were given their rights to equal opportunities in the workplace and their
social life. Members of the LBGTQ community earned the respect they deserved
for simply living their lives. Today, they are allowed to love who they choose
to love without the level of undeserved hatred they once endured. Women were
making huge strides in their fight for complete equality until June 24, 2022 when
a corrupt and biased Supreme Court removed federal protection for women to
exercise their right to make decisions about their mental and physical health. Christianity
was losing its exclusivity across America as our nation’s young people began to
carefully scrutinize other choices, including their rejection of all organized
religion. My country was beginning to resemble the nation I read about in
elementary and high school.
Since the invasion of Trump and his right-wing extremist
party, with the support of our nation’s 756 oligarchs/billionaires, the
accomplishments of the last 60-70 years began to fade away. America continues
to move backwards, but I will not.
Over the last seven decades I both experienced and observed criticism
of young Americans by their elders. My own generation was criticized and even ostracized
by older generations during the illegal and immoral war in South Vietnam. To
this day, no one has offered a reasonable answer to the question, “what were we
fighting for?”
Prior to Vietnam was Korea, and after Vietnam came
Afghanistan and Iraq. None of these wars were fought for a cause which I could
understand, with the exception of the invasion of Afghanistan to capture or
kill the architect of 9/11, Osama bin Laden. However, after the Bush 43
administration failed, our military remained until 2021. The only important
change was that the draft was still in place during Korea and Vietnam. Our
government made up for that fact by forcing members of the National Guard to
fight their wars, forcing them to return for multiple tours.
I am a pacifist and this is reflected in my writing, as it
should be. No one wins a war. In fact, our nation’s military has lost every war
since WWII. Remember, our nation was forced into the second world war: we were physically
attacked on December 7, 1941. President Franklin Roosevelt, our nation’s
greatest leader, resisted America’s participation in the war against fascism
until he had no choice.
America became a nation at war, and we were united against a
common enemy. More than 400,000 Americans lost their lives on the land, the
sea, and in the air to preserve democracy and defeat fascism.
I believe that real Americans are in a fight against fascism
once again. The party in power is supported by the leaders of America’s
Neo-Nazi movement, including their president and his co-president. To deny this
fact is to disrespect the men and women who died between 1941 and 1945.
This is why I have increased the number of articles I write
for my blog. I feel a responsibility to inform the American people of the truth
because the mainstream media will not.
America’s government has become the most corrupt in the
world. They have been lying to the American people for more than four decades,
hiding the truth under the guise of “for reasons of national security.” This
allows them to hide the fact that Washington has become a hotbed for criminal
and salacious activity.
Our elected officials are playing a game, and all the cards
are stacked in their favor because they have the power.
One fact is undeniable when anyone reaches my age: every day
could be my last. I care about one thing: I hope I will be remembered as
someone who believed that doing the right thing every day of your life is the
only virtue that is of great importance. It’s not always easy, but it is
paramount if you wish to keep your principles intact. This is the one thing I
believe in fighting for.
I thank all of you for reading my rants, and I hope you
received some benefit from my words. I have often considered ending my blog,
and focusing only on my novels. However, I learned that one of many old adages
are valid: “writers are compelled to write.” Therefore, I will continue my
efforts to spread the truth until the day I die.
Op-ed by James Turnage
Please follow my blog
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