America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale.

Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history.

Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider.

[Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and allies.”

[Scholz said Germany’s “commitment to ‘never again’”—a promise to not return to fascism and the Holocaust—“cannot be reconciled with support” for Alternative for Germany (AfD), the country’s far-right party that is rising in support and has been propped up by billionaire Elon Musk.]

It is no longer “suspected” that fascists are ruling over America today. From Trump’s own words to Musks Nazi salute to right-wing extremist supports, and his support for a new breed of Nazis in Germany, the truth can no longer be hidden. Trump and Musk are the leaders of America’s Neo-Nazi movement.

Trump continues to be a bully as he amasses power as a wannabe Fuhrer. Remember his corrupt and biased Supreme Court gave him absolute immunity.

In another attempt to extort something from Ukraine in exchange for our nation’s continued support, Trump demanded 50 percent of the sovereign nation’s rare earth minerals. Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy adamantly rejected the idea. Trump is not only a Nazi, he is the “Don” of the Washington Mafia.

Trump nor Musk will ever be my president. They do not share my American values and have no morals or principles. My guidelines are simple: if I cannot trust someone, they will never have my respect.

Trump has earned the fact that he is the least respected man in the entire world.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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