Another Huge Step Towards Fascism by Your Chosen Fuhrer

The First Amendment was the only Amendment in the Bill of Rights without dissention. Our Founding Fathers considered it the most important part of the Constitution. Your most important right is the right to vote. Trump is acting as I predicted, seeking the end of free and fair elections.

I begin with an allegation. I am claiming here and now that the 2024 election was rigged. Voting machines can be hacked, and after weeks of investigation into the possibilities and comparing the extremely contentious results of the 2020 and 2024 elections, I believe that the 2024 and 2016 elections were rigged by Vladimir Putin.

I am also 100 percent convinced that the alleged assassination attempt in Pennsylvania was staged.

That said, here is what Trump told a gathering of red state’s governors at the White House yesterday.

Trump will demand “in-person” voting only. This would prevent my right to vote, and the rights of millions of other Americans. I am physically disabled and incapable of waiting in line to cast my vote. Trump’s goal is to minimize the number of votes in every election by preventing the millions of Americans who are unable to go to the polls from voicing and registering their opinions.

“I did ask Elon, because he knows more about computers than anybody I know. I said, ‘what do you think of the voting system?’ He said, ‘computers are not meant for voting. It's just not good, it's too many transactions taking place, too quickly. It's just not,’ he said honestly,” Trump said.

It has been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that voting by mail is far safer than using voting machines. I am much smarter than Musk when this issue is involved, and I can tell you that in the future all elections will be conducted on personal computers. The safeguards are already being discussed among our government’s cyber technicians. As he always is, Trump is completely wrong on this issue. He is the only person I have ever witnessed making claims that he “knows everything about everything,” but in fact knows nothing about anything. He believes that drinking bleach will cure every disease known to mankind.

The truth is simple: [Mail-in voting has been steadily increasing since the 1980s and is considered very safe. The security of U.S. electronic voting infrastructure, on the other hand, has recently been compromised by Trump and Musk’s pummeling of government agencies.]

Several forms of governance cannot exist when elections are honest and fair. Included are rule by the super-rich; a plutocracy; and all forms of authoritarian rule including fascism. Trump has been a fascist for decades. From his first meeting with Vladimir Putin in Moscow in 1987.

If you continue to doubt the fact that Trump, his administration, and his party are Nazis and the complete overthrow of the government of the United States is their goal, you are in denial, or a part of the problem.

Right now there is no democratic government in Washington. Trump is acting like the dictator he wants to be, and no one is standing up to the spoiled old rich boy and his only available tactic, bullying his adversaries. However all bullies are cowards and are eventually crushed by their own lieutenants. Who will stand up to the worst president in America’s nearly 249-year history? This situation, intentionally created by Trump and Musk, is preventing anything of importance happening in Washington. No legislation is being discussed, Inflation is rising again, and the needs of all 340 million Americans are being ignored.

Trump accomplished nothing between 2017 and 2021, and he is on the same path today.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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