Hitler Would Be Proud

This I expected. Every lifetime criminal would love to have control over any branch of law enforcement which has power over them. This is exactly what Trump is attempting to do by placing the Department of Justice under his complete control.

If he achieves his goal, he will have achieved the exact same control of America, and a failed justice system, as Hitler had in 1930’s Germany. The rule of law would become non-existent.

If you don’t think this will happen, you are not being naïve, and choosing ignorance over fact.

Trump and Moscow Mitch McConnell stacked the current Supreme Court with right-wing extremist justices. In 2024 these six traitors to the Constitution declared that ‘presidents have total immunity.’ Trump has always been placed above the law and now he has nothing to fear.

One of the first actions by co-presidents Trump and Elon Musk was to fire dozens of men and women whose only purpose was to oversee the daily proceedings in Washington and report corruption and criminal actions by our elected officials. The cat has indeed swallowed the canary.

Trump is following Hitler’s playbook without hesitation. Mein Kampf, and its ugly step-child, Project 2025, are manuals for fascism and support for Nazis to take complete control of what has become the Fascist States of America.

Never ignore or deny the fact that Vladimir Putin and Elon Musk, a devout supporter of Naziism, are pulling Trump’s strings. He is much easier to control in 2025 than he was in 2017. His mental state is in steep decline, and in just 16 months he will become an octogenarian.

For dictators to be accepted by the majority, certain tactics must be applied constantly. Lies become “alternative facts.” All information must come from the man in control of the daily lives of everyone in a nation. Anger and hatred against real or imaginary enemies results in extreme nationalism, and nothing is forbidden which will protect that nation, including violence.

Unfortunately, most Americans are not very intelligent. They refuse to read or to learn from anything other than television about those who we elect to serve us. We are a lazy nation composed of individuals who choose to believe lies and half-truths instead of verified facts..

Trump is a Nazi whose ultimate ambition is to be our country’s Fuhrer. Over a lifetime of failed efforts to become a legitimate billionaire, he has accepted assistance from the two richest men in the world: Vladimir Putin, and Elon Musk.

You and I will suffer from the stupidity of any man or woman who voted for the old, orange man. However, his most loyal supporters will suffer even more.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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Source: https://apnews.com/article/fbi-justice-department-trump-bondi-bove-adams-a003af9d9aebe89cd289361a65c9401b




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