Separate and Unequal
In 2024, the Supreme Court destroyed the most important part
of our Founding Father’s creation.
Our system of a Democratic Republic was intended to have
three “separate but equal branches.” However, in order to prevent any form of
monarchy, or autocracy, the least powerful of all three branches was the
Executive: the presidency. This all changed in 2024.
In 2017 Moscow Mitch McConnell and Trump began to “stack”
the Supreme Court with what would become three unqualified justices who had
promised to support the right-wing’s extremist agenda. This 922-page fascist
manifesto is called “Project 2025.”
The first major blow to democracy came on June 24, 2022. This
dark day in our nation’s history will be remembered as the most vicious attack
on women’s rights in a lifetime.
Repealing a decision by a legitimate Court, 49 years in the
past, removed a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and
mental health. Roe v Wade, federal protection for a woman’s right to have an
abortion, was permanently revoked.
It was evident that six members of this corrupt and uncaring
Supreme Court were acting beyond its basic function and making laws, not protecting
the Constitution.
Between 2022 and 2024 these six pretenders made multiple
decisions to repeal laws which served the American people. However, the most
destructive occurred in 2024.
In Colorado, there was a motion to remove Trump’s name from
the ballot. A federal judge decided that section three of the 14th
Amendment prevented Trump from running for public office. The foundation was
his attempted coup on January 6, 2021. His actions were the very definition of
However, Trump’s Court overturned that decision. The overall
result allowed Trump to declare his self-perceived right to absolute immunity.
Our presidents are now above the law. The greatest fear of our Founding Fathers
has become a reality.
The rest is history. Trump was allowed to run for the
presidency, and he was victorious in an election I believe was fraudulent. The
results were impossible to believe based on both history, common sense, and
logic. I have no doubt the Musk and Putin found and paid for hackers who
altered the results in seven swing states.
But that’s a story for another
Trump has never shown that he believed the President of the
United States was a public servant. Inflicted with a severe disease known as
malignant narcissism, he considered himself a dictator on January 20, 2017. This
is what happens when a career criminal is never punished for his crimes.
This brings us to today, February 8, 2025. Trump is
destroying every positive accomplishment for all 340 million Americans made
over the last 60-70 years. Your ignorant and hate-filled president considers
his destructive actions “accomplishments.” His mind is wasting away and with
that fact his actions are increasingly twisted and depraved.
Unconstitutional and biased actions by this corrupt Supreme
Court removed nearly every possible manner in which our nation’s greatest
traitor and his co-president might be removed from the White House.
Marches across America focused on the harmful policies of
Trump and Musk are insufficient. Any efforts, without regard for how drastic they
might be, must be considered if complete destruction of our nation is to be
I am a free man and will remain so until the day I die. My
loyalty will always be to the nation created by our Founding Fathers. Trump and
Musk, confirmed Nazis, can kiss my old ass.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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