Six Traitors and How They Created Fascism 101


I realized something a few days ago. My stories about the worst president in history and his evil twin contain only villains: there are no heroes.

The greatest villains are undoubtedly six corrupted members of the Supreme Court. Without their unconstitutional decisions, one of which gave Trump complete immunity, I would have nothing to write about.

For the last 30 days Trump has violated the Constitution several times each day. His executive orders are not accomplishments, they are destroying the successes of his predecessors over the last 60-70 years. Executive orders were not designed to override laws passed by the legislative branch, or to create new laws designed to increase the power of our presidents. Our Founding Fathers created a system of government which gave the least power to our presidents. Their greatest fear is happening in 2025. Trump has become a dictator, a wannabe Fuhrer. Once again, six members of the corrupted and biased Supreme Court have chosen to void the efforts of our nation’s founders between 1787 and 1789.

At the end of the Constitutional Convention, many of the men who attended readily admitted that what they created was not perfect. They hoped that their successors would improve upon their hard work.

Unfortunately, two of their biggest mistakes continue to divide our nation and the result is dysfunction in Washington. All three branches should have been given term limits from day one. The Electoral College gives the right to elect our presidents to the states, not the people. Every vote does not count.

Our nation’s creators underestimated the weaknesses of all mankind: desires for great wealth, prestige, and enormous power. Today’s men and women serving in the legislative branch, and the judicial branch are serving the man claiming to lead the executive branch, not the 340+ million people who comprise our nation. They have become the enemy of those same people and cannot be trusted.

We can only blame ourselves. Uninformed voters have given our country the worst, least qualified, and most corrupt government in the world.

We can and we must do better.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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