Trump is not Just Following Project 2025, He is Mimicking Mein Kampf
Welcome to the Nazi State of Donald Trump. A traitor is living in the White House and he is remaking our government into the image of Nazi Germany in the 1930’s. We know from past revelations that Trump holds great admiration for Adolf Hitler. I have been warning our nation’s people for years about the dangers of a second Trump presidency. However, I heard many people in denial, claiming “it won’t be that bad.” They were correct: it’s much worse.
Musk is taking control of multiple government functions,
without Senate confirmation or a security clearance. What the fuck is our
useless government doing about these illegal actions? Not a fucking thing. The
DOGE is not real or legal. Someone must have the cojones to say to Trump’s face
and say, “fuck you.”
I am angry and I will not be like our elected officials and
sit here and watch Trump and his Nazi army destroy my country in the light of
day. Someone must yank him out of our White House, walk him to the front lawn,
and hang his fat ass for treason. He is and always will be America’s greatest traitor.
Once again, the mainstream media fails its primary
responsibility. They continue to prove that the once respected Fourth Estate has
left the building. The legitimate press was given First Amendment protection to
expose what is happening in our federal government. The men and women who lie
to us on television, in print, and on the internet are charged with protecting
our nation’s people from a corrupt and self-serving government. They are now
nothing more than paid liars.
On the other hand, I have promised to tell the truth, and
only death will silence me. Of course I am nearing my 79th year. How
much longer can I do their job?
Demand more from your government: they are elected to serve
you, not you, them. This country belongs to you, not a small group of useless,
self-serving men and women who are unworthy of their positions in Washington.
Stand up. If this is the first time in your life, it’s worth
Op-ed by James Turnage
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