Trump is Proof that America has Never Been a Great Nation, and Never Will Be
The rich don’t need help. White, middle-class people don’t
need help. Men and women in positions of power don’t need help. The vast
majority: the working class, families living in the low-income bracket, the
poor, the homeless, the disenfranchised, all need help.
Someone please tell Trump and Musk that these statements are
facts. Also inform them that first and foremost it is the responsibility of the
president, congress and the Supreme Court to serve the majority. Their first
priority should be improving the quality of life for all Americans.
Over the last 24 days these two old white men intentionally
destroyed much of the progress made for all Americans over the last 60-70
This is a lifetime pattern for Donald John Trump. This is
why he never has and never will accomplish anything which produces positive
results. Between 2017 and 2021 Trump did nothing but increase the division
between our country’s people, give tax breaks to those who do not need or
deserve them, and support the Neo-Nazi movement in America.
Trump’s economic policy, combined with his abject failure to
lead our nation in the fight against the deadly Covid-19 coronavirus, placed us
near a second Great Depression when he was evicted from the White House in
January of 2021. Over a four-year period, he added eight trillion dollars to
the national debt. Yes, that’s “trillion” with a “T.”
Politicians love to tell the American people one big lie and
one half-truth when they attempt to win our votes.
“America is the greatest country in the world,” and “America
is the richest nation in the world.”
First, the United States has never been a “great” country.
As a new nation, we were greatly flawed. Over the first hundred years, for
every advance made by our leaders, their successors moved us two steps
Real advancements in our nation came during the 1960’s.
Younger Americans rejected the racist policies of the past, and in 1964 the
Civil Rights Act was passed.
Women began to stand up to pervasive misogyny which placed
them in positions of servitude to the male of our species. However, the demand
for complete equality to men continues. Progress has been slower for this issue
than any other. On June 24, 2022, the Supreme Court of the United States
declared that women were third-class citizens by removing their right to make
decisions about their own mental and physical health.
In 1973, President Richard Nixon signed into law the end of
drafting our young men into wars created by our government. This accompanied
the 26th Amendment, passed in 1971, which reduced the voting age to
The sad part of this story is that in 2017, as Trump was
inaugurated as your 45th president, hate crimes rose 800 percent in
America. Americans of color, ethnicity other than from western Europe, the
LGBTQ community, Muslims, Jews, and all women were verbally and physically
attacked by pure whites and supported by Donald Trump.
Several of Trump’s first actions after January 20, 2025,
were acts of bias and prejudice.
America has 756 billionaires/oligarchs. However, one-half of
our nation’s people live in the low-income bracket or below the poverty line.
In America, nothing is more important to our government and
most of its people than money and possessions. A small percentage of all
Americans are the wealthiest people in the world, but the remainder struggle to
maintain an acceptable quality of life.
America’s seniors are virtually outcasts if they are forced
to live on a fixed income.
Trump claims to be a Christian. However, his words and
actions prove that he is without a doubt the Antichrist. Everything he does is
in opposition to Christian beliefs. The eight beatitudes mean nothing to Donald
“the Destroyer” Trump.
“Blessed are the poor in spirit,
for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who
for they will be
Blessed are the meek,
for they will
inherit the earth.
Blessed are those who
hunger and thirst for righteousness,
for they will be
Blessed are the
for they will be
shown mercy.
Blessed are the pure
in heart,
for they will see
Blessed are the
for they will be
called children of God.
Blessed are those who
are persecuted because of righteousness,
for theirs is the
kingdom of heaven.
Op-ed by James Turnage
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