Where’s the Bullet?

After reading everything available about the alleged assassination of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, I have come to one conclusion: it was staged. I have looked at every film and picture I could access, and none of this was real.

My allegation is based on one unanswered question, and one old trick used by professional wrestlers.

The alleged shooter was armed with a high-velocity rifle. The records show that one attendee and at least one other was injured from that rifle. If Trump’s minor injury, not much more than a scratch on his right ear, came from the same rifle, where did the bullet go?

Anyone who knows anything about guns will tell you that it would take a lot more than the soft cartilage of a human ear to alter the trajectory of a bullet fired from this type of rifle.

There was a wall of people behind Trump as he stood behind the podium. However, no one was injured in that area of the hate rally, and no one reported a bullet hitting anything in the area: not a chair, a purse, nothing. Where did it go?

As for Trump’s reported injury, it can be easily explained.

My first thought was, “how could a shooter who had practiced using that particular type of rifle miss a man who was standing alone, who was six-feet-three inches tall, and weighed about 350 pounds?

One of Trump’s “friends” is Vince McMahon, the former president of a professional wrestling federation. There is an old saying in the not-so-respected profession: “red makes green.” When a wrestler is injured during a match and blood is seen flowing down his face, attendance grows for succeeding contests.

However, this is rare. Minor injuries of this type are usually self-inflicted. This is accomplished by placing a small razor blade in the waistband of his shorts. When the proper moment arises, he takes the razor blade out of his shorts and cuts his ear. Blood begins to flow freely, although the injury is barely a scratch.

After the shot was heard, Trump dropped below the podium, out of sight for a couple of seconds. It is possible that Trump used that same ruse to convince his cult that he had indeed been the victim of an attempted assassination.

I have never trusted Trump, long before he announced his intention to become your president in June of 2015. He is a con man, a charlatan who will do and say anything to accomplish his personal ambitions.

I may be wrong. I don’t have access to everything which the Secret Service saw on that day. However, Trump is hated by millions of Americans, including yours truly, but few of us are violent people, unlike his supporters. Trump is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America, the most violent people in our nation. Trump’s desperation could have resulted in what I believe was a scene staged for the benefit of his ignorant supporters, or as he calls them, his “basement dwellers.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

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