America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World

A short list of reasons why America will never be a great country.


In the general election, your vote may not count.

As long as the Electoral College exists, states will choose our presidents. The popular vote means nothing. Therefore, if your candidate does not win the majority of votes in most states, your opinion does not count. I believe this is a violation of the intent of the First Amendment.

The United States is the only developed nation which fails to provide universal healthcare.

At least one-half of all elected officials in Washington do not believe that you should have the same access to healthcare as they do. In support of billionaires/oligarchs, they consistently vote against any measure which would provide the best healthcare available for all Americans.

Most developed nations provide free or low-cost higher education for all of their people. Not America.

Only the wealthy can afford to attend a college or university in 2025. Each year we lose thousands of our nation’s greatest minds simply because of their inability to pay.

America is the most racist and misogynistic nation in the world.

Within our military, the entire justice system, and in everyday life, I have witnessed undeniable acts of racism. Since 2017, Neo-Nazis have come out of the shadows. Hate crime increased more than 800 percent. Why? They have a leader in the White House.

All three branches of our government continue to display a growing disdain for the efforts by women to receive equal treatment in our nation’s society at every level. On January 24, 2022, a corrupt and biased Supreme Court removed a woman’s right to care for her own mental and physical health. This was the ultimate attack on women by right wing politicians in a war which began in 1981.

Every other nation in the world supports the inalienable rights of the LBGT Q community.

Although all Republicans feign ignorance related to this issue, scientific facts prove that sexual orientation is not a choice. We are all born with very unique DNA.

Born in 1946, I remember a time when anyone in the LGBYQ community was labeled with names such a “perverts,” “sick,” and “mentally deficient.” Evangelicals choose not to believe in science. In support of these bigots, one entire political party pretends to agree with them. Any question why I do not support any organized religion? Religions were created by men and all men suffer from the evils of seeking greater wealth and power over others. Religions are not taxed, and they easily control the minds of the uninformed.

America’s economy is focused on profits for the super-rich.

Only in America, and only when Trump is your president, is the quality of life for the majority not included in their economic policy. President Biden saved America’s economy from the disastrous failures of Trump between 2017 and 2021. After less than two months, our country is headed for another major recession. Trump has not addressed Greedflation, in fact it is rising. His ill-advised tariffs will soon force additional increases in the prices of necessities.

I end with the title: “America’s Government is the Most Corrupt and Uncaring in the World.”

Op-ed by James Turnage

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