I Refuse to Bow Down to Putin’s Evil and Destructive Puppets
Two arrogant and self-serving white men are destroying our
country, and no one is bold enough to do anything now. They are waiting for the
courts to make decisions which may be based on political bias, and will require
weeks if not months to arrive at a decision. Our nation’s future does not have
time to wait.
Trump and Musk are not very bright men. It is clear that
everything which is happening in Washington comes from Vladimir Putin. These
old men are simply tools. Their handler is laughing as he witnesses the
destruction of our nation piece by piece.
Democrats have never learned the value of public opinion. In
1996, billionaire and fascist-leaning newspaper magnate, Rupert Murdock, created
an extremist propaganda machine under the guise of being a legitimate news
service. It became Rush Limbaugh 2.0 and has been brainwashing uninformed
Americans for more than three decades.
I do believe that without Fox, Republicans would have lost
most elections beginning in 2000. Their policies are in direct opposition to
the wishes of most Americans. People believe what they want to believe,
regardless of the facts, and Fox tells them what they want to hear, and then
expands on that premise with the addition of lies and half-truths.
When MSNBC began offering a more liberal point of view, I
was excited. However, Democratic politicians failed to follow the example of
their right-wing adversaries and support the network’s personalities with the
energy and confidence necessary to place public opinion in their corner. Democrats
are wusses and Republicans are fascists.
I have never been a member of a political party. I believe that
offering my loyalty to one party would be in direct opposition to my personal
beliefs, morals, and principles. However, I registered as a Democrat in 2000. I
felt that George W. Bush would be the worst president in history. I was 100
percent correct, until Trump arrived on the political scene in 2015. No one
could ever take Trump’s place as the worst president in history because no man
or woman residing in the White House will ever be allowed to commit treason
My fellow true Americans: we are in a war to save our
country. Demand action from your Senators and Congressmen regardless of their
party affiliation.
Op-ed by James Turnage
If you wish to remain informed, please follow my blog
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