Israel is not the Problem: Netanyahu is the Problem

Benjamin Netanyahu first came to power in 1996. He is responsible for the “land grabbing” on the West Bank. He is why there have never been honest negotiations between Israel and the Palestinian people. He refuses to meet with Palestinian leaders. It is Netanyahu who is attempting acts of genocide in Gaza.

The people of Israel should not be the focus of demonstrations in our colleges and universities. Their anger should be directed solely at Benjamin Netanyahu.

Don’t misunderstand my words. I am not defending Hamas. Terrorism is unforgivable and needs to be eradicated, whether it comes from foreign nations, or from inside a nation. In the 21st century, domestic terrorism is the greatest danger to the American people, according to the FBI. Our nation has a larger number of mass shootings than days on the calendar. Guns don’t kill people, but people with guns do slaughter innocents.

As of January of this year, Netanyahu murdered more than 46,707 men, women, and children in Gaza, and only a few may have been members of Hamas. This is not “collateral damage,” this is genocide.

Protests across America are primarily in support of the Palestinian people. Trump and his moronic administration are labeling students exercising their First Amendment right to address their grievances “antisemitism.” Nothing could be further from the truth. These events are in support of a too long ignored people without a nation, not against the Jewish people

The truth is undeniable: there will never be peace in the Middle East as long as Netanyahu is acting as the dictator of this historic region in the world. Trump’s administration must cease their supply of weapons of mass destruction to Israel. They are complicit in the current genocide.

Op-ed by James Turnage

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