Putin Stole Two Elections, and Your Corrupt Government is Hiding the Truth

Our government is a combination of two words which should never be used for men and women who control the future of America: incompetent and corrupt. I know it and they know it.

After Putin stole the 2016 and 2024 elections for Trump, they not only ignored the truth, they hid it, fearing that all of our nation’s people would know the truth about their inability to accomplish anything. The mainstream media colluded with these failed elected men and women, and they are responsible for destroying the essence of the United States of America.

In 2016, Russian agents spent millions of dollars on social media attacking Hillary Clinton. It was effective. A lower than expected turnout in Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin allowed Trump to win the Electoral College, although he was crushed in the popular vote, the only vote which should decide the future of 340 million people.

Okay, everyone who reads, refusing to “learn everything they need to know from television, is aware of the previous facts. Let’s take an honest look at the 2024 election, and yes, I believe it was rigged.

I begin with a few statistics comparing the 2020 and 2024 elections.

In 2020 Biden received 306 Electoral College votes: Trump 232.

In 2024, Trump received 312, Kamala Harris 226.

In 2020 Biden received 81.2 million popular votes: Trump 74.2.

In 2024, Trump received 77.3 million votes: Harris 75 million

Swing States:

In 2020, Biden won Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Nevada, and Wisconsin.

In 2024, Trump won Georgia, North Carolina, Michigan, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Arizona, and Nevada.

The 2020 election set records for both voter turnout and for President Biden who won more than 80 million votes.

In 2024, Kamala Harris had larger crowds at her rallies than Trump.

Early in 2024, the FBI informed voters that Putin was once again interfering in our election. However, that was the only article containing any information about Putin’s attempt to rig another election.

What I did read early in 2025 was information that one major tech company had reason to believe that Russian hackers had obtained access to voting machines in swing states. Once again, the article was never seen again, and there was no investigation.

The differences in the popular vote and the fact that Trump was victorious in all seven swing states are attacks on common sense and simple logic.

I had already been convinced that the “attempted assassination of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania” was staged. I had several unanswered questions, but one above all others confirmed my assumption.

Where did the bullet go that allegedly nicked Trump’s ear?

There was a sea of people behind the podium. No one, no seat, and no other object was disturbed. I am certain that when Trump dropped behind the podium, he cut his ear with a razorblade. This is an old trick used by professional wrestlers. Trump is friends with Vince McMahon, a former president of one of the wrestling federations. McMahon’s wife is now involved in confirmation hearings for the position of Secretary of Education. Coincidence?

It is obvious that I trust no one in Washington. This country is more concerned about money than people.

Op-ed by James Turnage

If you follow my blog, you will always be an informed citizen




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