“What Would Jesus Do?”
I am not a religious man. However, I try every day to be
more spiritual. Although I reject religions created by men, I cherish and trust
the teachings of Jesus Christ and Mohammad.
If you read the New Testament of the Bible or the Quran,
Jesus and Mohammad offered a clear and perfect way to live our lives. Whether
they were Gods or Prophets, does not matter. The basic principle both of these
great men taught their followers was simple, and contained in only five words: “always
do the right thing.”
It is a sad fact that very few men and women who call
themselves “Christians” believe and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. It is
sad that many of the men who call themselves Muslims take the words of Mohammad
and twist them, becoming violent extremists; ignoring his instructions about
love, understanding, and compassion.
America has an illegitimate president in 2025. He claims to
be a Christian, but in truth is the Antichrist. His words, actions, and
ambitions are in direct opposition to the teachings of Jesus. Trump’s gods are
money and power. He has no respect or concern for mankind. His only goal is to secure
pleasure for himself.
Between 2017 and 2021 the world learned everything about the
real Donald Trump. By his own words and actions we know that he is not only a
racist, he is the leader of the Neo-Nazi movement in America. His lifetime of
crime was exposed when he was convicted of 34 felony counts in a court of law.
The irrefutable fact that he is a serial philanderer, and a sexual predator was
exposed. His failures as your illegitimate president confirmed the fact that he
was our nation’s biggest mistake. He placed our country in a near depression,
is responsible for tens-of-thousands of lives lost from Covid-19, failing to
take immediate action when he learned of a coming pandemic, and his failures
resulted in the permanent loss of thousands of jobs for American workers.
Is he a bad person? Without a doubt. There is no record in
his 78 years when he did something good for another person. It is a well-known
fact that he frequently steals from his own charity, using the money for
personal use, including bribing Pam Bondi when she was the Attorney General for
the state of Florida.
Finally, I leave you with one thought. Trump and Jeffrey
Epstein were close friends for ten years. Think about it. When the list of
Epstein’s “friends” is released, Bondi will most definitely remove Trump’s
name. But we know the truth.
Op-ed by James Turnage
If you follow my blog, you will always know the truth
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