
Republicans Admit that they are Incapable of Winning a Secure and Fair Election

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you are of average intelligence, you have no doubt that the 2020 election was as described by Trump’s own ‘election czar,’ “the most secure and fair election in history.” The truth about the 2020 election is that when there is a large voter turnout Democrats typically win the important races. A lower turnout reveals apathy from Democrats and Independents, and Republicans have a greater opportunity to be victorious. TRUMP, REPUBLICANS, AND FOX NEWS ARE TELLING US THAT HE CANNOT WIN THE DEBATE OR THE GENERAL ELECTION Sean Hannity on Fox News, other Trump fake journalists on even more extreme broadcasts, and Trump himself are all making excuses for Trump’s loss in next Wednesday’s televised debate. Let’s be totally truthful; Trump has never participated in a legitimate debate. Some might think it’s because he is virtually illiterate. However, not once has he answered a direct question. He uses the same ridiculous tactic he used during his press conferences betwe

Trump Loves Louisiana’s Unconstitutional Ten Commandments Law: It Reminds him of Better Times

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “Republicans” in Louisiana passed a law last week which will surely be voided by the Supreme Court for one reason, It clearly and literally violates the First Amendment. Placing a poster of the ten commandments in every classroom is not stupid, it is moronic. I was initially undecided. I wasn’t sure if Trump would be angry, because they would remind voters of his many crimes. Later I realized that the malignant narcissist would love it because they remind him of some of the best times of his life; before he agreed to run for the presidency. Read all ten and think of Trump as you do. You shall have no other Gods before me You shall not make for yourselves an idol You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy Honor your father and your mother You shall not murder You shall not commit adultery You shall not steal You shall not give false testimony You shall not covet LET’S BEGIN AT THE T

Trump Offers Green Cards When He Should be Thinking about Educating America’s Youngest and Brightest Minds

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump has no idea what he is doing. This is nothing new, it’s the story of his pitiful life. He was lazy from the day he was born, and expects others to care for him. It is obvious that he has never exercised his body or his little brain. In his younger years, he was sent away to military boarding school. When he was drafted into the military during the Vietnam War, Daddy paid for deferments. Although he was most certainly failing his classes at the University of Pennsylvania’s Wharton College of Business, Daddy paid for his diploma. After leaving Wharton, Daddy gave him 413 million dollars, money saved through tax fraud, to start his own business. He quickly lost every penny. Coming to his rescue were Vladimir Putin and the Saudi Royal Family. They invested in his properties, and helped him build hotels in their countries. Today, the entire party which continues to use the name “Republicans,” grovels at his feet and protects him from the truth. THE MOST

An Open Letter to Congress: Hey Assholes, Do Something

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart. I have been writing for newspapers, online publications, and my own blog, “TheWiseOldFart,” for more than 12 years. I haven’t checked, but I have no doubt that I have written more articles about mass shootings and gun violence than any other subject with the exception of America’s biggest enemy, Donald Trump. I am angry, and disgusted that nothing has been done in Washington to ease the pain and fear of millions of our nation’s people. This week has been like any other week in America. Normal men, women, and children have been going about their lives without any idea that this might be their last day on earth, or they might be seriously injured by a bullet from a weapon of mass destruction. Over the Father’s Day weekend and celebrations on Juneteenth 50 Americans were shot and several lives were lost. The most recent assault on our freedom happened on Friday, June 21, in Fordyce, Arkansas.. Three persons were killed and 10 injured at a grocery store a

This Supreme Court Did Something Right

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is no secret that I have been a frequent critic of the Supreme Court since 2020. I have good reason and a huge responsibility to criticize it for its corruption and political bias. However, when it does the right thing, I also have a responsibility to praise them for their actions. Thanks to a poorly written Second Amendment, which is ambiguous and lacks definition, the NRA gun lobby, paid for by gun manufacturers and gun sellers, has used this one amendment to the Bill of Rights for their own benefit. Gun violence began to escalate in America in 1976, the same year the NRA ceased its purpose as a gun safety organization, and aligned itself with the corporate world. The most recent statistic I found was from 2022. In that one year, 48,117 men, women, and children lost their lives from the use of a gun. Firearm suicide: 26,993 people. Firearm homicide: 19,592 people. Unintentional gun injury: 472 people. Fatal shooting by law enforcement: 649 people.

“Climate Change is the Greatest Danger to World Peace”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart A recent survey by the United Nations confirmed that 80 percent of the world’s people are concerned about climate change. The poll revealed that most people believe their countries are not doing enough to slow or halt the greatest threat to mankind. You might have noticed that America no longer leads the world in anything positive. Right-wing politicians are owned by our nation’s biggest polluters, including the oil industry, and businesses which continue to rely on oil and coal to operate their factories. Although some progress was made over eight years of the Obama administration, all of it, and more, was negated during just four years of the failed Trump administration. FOX News is complicit. It has supported the less than five percent of all climatologists who deny the irrefutable fact that climate change is caused by man’s use of products coming from carbon-based products mined from deep inside the earth. Fossil fuels are deadly to humans and to our

Whether You are Religious or not, Everyone who Supports the Constitution must be Concerned

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Anyone who refuses to believe that the American people are engaged in a Second Civil War in 2024 is not paying attention. Donald Trump’s fascist party, once known as the “Republican Party,” is actively attempting to overthrow the parts of our Constitution which protects human rights and our freedoms while loyal and patriotic Americans are attempting to save the nation of our Founding Fathers. THE FIRST BATTLE INVOLVES PROTECTING THE FIRST LINE OF THE FIRST AMENDMENT “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof.” Our Founding Fathers packed up and left England after King George III declared the Anglican Church the one true religion of the British Empire. This is why every American is guaranteed the right to practice the religion of their choice or none at all. In the 1970’s, a group of extremist Christian leaders formed what is literally a lobby with the intention becoming involved in the governance

I Can Remember a Time Long Ago When Some Republicans Did not Lie All of the Time

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart “BT.” That is what I call America “Before Trump.” It was undoubtedly a different, kinder, and more intelligent country. I live in Northern Nevada. I was watching television when a Republican ad was broadcast. It accused Democratic Senatorial candidate, Jacky Rosen, of many things, not one of which was based on fact. Lies, lies, and more lies. It made me angry, because nothing upsets me more than being lied to, especially because I am an educated and informed voter. HONESTY, THE EXCHANGE OF IDEAS, AND A WILLINGNESS TO WORK TOGETHER FOR COMPROMISE ARE LONG GONE Why are the tactics which worked so well in a Democratic Republic no longer used in Washington? The truth is so simple, it may surprise you. After eight years of the Reagan administration, which included the beginnings of wars on the working class, women, minorities, the LGBTQ community, and all religions not labeled “Christian,” the American people sought a more progressive path for our nation.

Why Everyone, and I Mean Everyone, Should Fear a Second Trump Presidency

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   We know fascism is inevitable if Trump regains the presidency, but what would that mean, and how would he achieve Putin’s goals?   Here’s what Washington insiders have learned.   Trump’s daughter-in-law slashed the staff at the RNC, removing anyone not 100 percent loyal to the orange buffoon. Trump plans to do the same within the entire federal government.   He has plans to remake federal law enforcement into his personal gestapo and enact revenge against his many, many enemies.   Plans are being made to shred the Constitution and give massive power to the executiv e branch, making the legislative and judicial branches puppets for Trump and his cronies.   He would end free and fair elections, establishing an autocratic government. He would become Fuhrer Donald Tr ump, aka “Big Adolf.”   Secretive supporters re memb er the chaos which was the Trump administration between 2017 and 2021. They are completing plans to tak e control of the Wes t Wing immediate