
Sexist Donald Trump Pretends to Care About Women and Families: It’s Called “Pandering”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Anyone with half-a-brain knows that Trump is a sexual predator, and believes that women have a single purpose: to serve the needs and wishes of men. Whether you support T rump or not, this is an irrefutable fact.   All real women in America despise Donald Trump: he has earned their ire time and time again . T he fact that he has been married three times, and had extramarital affairs multiple times during each marriage, is an unforgivable fact. Trump is a man without mor al s , without a consci ence.   Tim Walz   called Trump a Vance “ weird .” I would add the term “creepy.”   During a recent interview in Georgia, a question from the audience asked if banning abortions would affect IVF. This was the old man man’s response.   After proclaiming to be “the father of IVF,” which went unchallenged by Faulkner, Trump then shared an anecdote of a phone call he had  with Republican Alabama Senator Katie Britt.   “So, I got a call from Katie Britt, a young, just a f

There is no Way Trump Earned his Degree from Wharton

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart As I began writing about Donald Trump in 2015, I discovered more questions than answers. Facts I did learn confirmed what I expected: Trump was a complete failure at everything he attempted to accomplish. He even did the impossible, lost money as the owner of a casino. I also learned that he was a draft dodger. Daddy Fred purchased two exemptions from a doctor, claiming bone spurs on his feet. I learned that he was a racist, like his father. I discovered what appears to be a relationship with Vladimir Putin beginning in 1987. It was no secret that he was a sexual predator and engaged in multiple extramarital relationships during all three marriages. One of his closest friends was fellow sexual deviate, Jeffrey Epstein. After researching his business interests, I discovered multiple bankruptcies. His businesses were saved with the assistance of Vladimir Putin, Russian oligarchs, and the Saudi Royal family. Like many other political writers, I wanted to learn more

Listen to Trump’s “Best People”

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Only two groups of “Republicans” adamantly support Trump: his fascist-leaning party, and his racist supporters. Real Americans know everything about the orange buffoon after listening to his words for the last nine years, and suffering through his many failures during four years pretending to be your illegitimate president. In 2016 he told the American people that “he would only have the ‘best people’ on his cabinet and his most trusted advisors. If he was being honest, and I doubt it, you and I must listen to what several of them are saying about the worst president in history today. Mike Pence was Trump’s Vice-President, and the man he ordered killed on January 6 th . “I believe anyone that puts themselves over the Constitution should never be president of the United States and anyone who asks someone else to put them over the Constitution should never be president of the United States again,” Mike Pence. Mark Esper was Trump’s last Secretary of Defense. In 20

If You Enjoy Lies, You Love Trump’s Fallacious Commercials Demeaning Kamala Harris

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Okay, we know that today’s Republicans in name only are the party of racism and bigotry. They oppose the very idea of complete equality for all Americans based on their race, or skin color. They use Christianity to deny the existence of the LGBTQ community. There most recent focus has been on transgender Americans. Trump’s people are running an ad claiming that Kamala Harris supports gender change medical care for incarcerated men and women and illegal residents. It is a fact that half-truths are more dangerous than blatant falsehoods. The tape shown in the ad was made in 2020. She was answering questions related to several court decisions which confirmed the right of prisoners to obtain medical care based on the Eighth Amendment. [The Trump ad uses a 2020 interview clip, in which Harris says she supports gender-affirming surgery for transgender prisoners who can demonstrate that their mental health depends on it. "Every transgender inmate in the prison sys

Response from FEMA Under Biden, or from Trump and the Killer Coronavirus?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Trump’s supporters once again choose ignorance over reality. They are falsely claiming that FEMA is acting to slowly to respond to hurricanes, Helene and Milton, although governors claim that it has been excellent, both Democratic and Republican. These same prejudiced men and women ignore the fact that Trump did nothing about the dangers presented by Covid-19, and is personally responsible for more than 10,000 or the one million+ deaths related to the deadly coronavirus. The word is “stupid.” There is no other word which applies. Op-ed by James Turnage  

To All Nevadans: Sam Brown is a Trump Stooge who Supports Project 2025

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart To all my fellow Nevadans: Jacki Rosen has worked for our state’s people. Sam Brown is another Trump stooge, and the nephew of a billionaire who owns the Cleveland Browns. Therefore, he supports Project 2025. All of his television ads are bullshit. James Turnage    

Your Laugh for the Weekend

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart This will be short, but when I read that men and women who call themselves “Christians” are meeting in Washington to pray for a Trump victory. They are clearly “fake Christians” because they worship a man who is godless. He worships money and power. Everything he does, every crime he commits, is for personal gratification. The pastor of the church Trump claims as his own has never once seen him cross the threshold. Once again: most men and women who call themselves “Christians” are hypocrites. Op-ed by James Turnage  

Breaking my Own Rules

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From the first time I could vote in an election, 1968, I have been an Independent. I will always be a non-partisan voter. I believe that voting for a member of a party is ignorant, and causes great harm to our nation. Everyone should vote for the best candidate: the man or woman whose position on the most important issues are most closely aligned with your own. Having said that, I will admit to you that in this election, I cannot vote for any Republican. To my knowledge, all “Republicans” in Washington support the worst man in the world, and therefore his destructive plans for my country’s future. Everything I see and read confirms my fear that the entire right side of our political system surrendered its values, morals, and principles in 2017 and continues to do so today. Trump is most likely the worst man in the world. He is intentionally attempting to destroy a nation which could become the greatest in history for his own benefit. If you support Trump, you ar

Does it Feel Like America has Become the Dumbest Nation in the World?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart From elementary school until today at the age of 78, science has affected my life and yours in positive ways. New inventions and discoveries have improved our quality of life. Changes in our environment, the exploration of space, and the discovery of potential dangers to our health have saved millions of lives. Most importantly, science is based on irrefutable facts, not what Trump and ignorant supporters call “alternative facts.” The dumbing down of America began in 2015 with a declaration from Trump that he would seek the Republican Party’s presidential nomination. He is a poorly educated man and therefore spreads his ignorant beliefs to others. Any intelligence he might have possessed is clearly diminished by his affliction with malignant narcissism. KILLER HURRICANES Hurricanes Helene and Milton spread destruction and death across Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, and North Carolina. According to Trump and his “basement dwellers,” scientists not only forecas

The Two Most Important Issues You Will Never Hear About

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart If you participate in political polling, I do not, the first question you are likely to be asked is: “what issue is most important to you?” The economy is most frequently the number one answer. I believe there are two issues you will never read about on the internet or see on the evening news. If both were addressed, our government could be saved. Our government is completely dysfunctional. An insanely small number of pieces of legislation were passed in 2023, and the pattern is continuing in 2024. A democratic republic cannot succeed without honest and sincere deliberation and eventual compromise. The parties are at war with each other in the 21 st century, and very little has been accomplished. TERM LIMITS Our Founding Fathers were not psychics and did not foresee what would happen within our government over the next 200+ years. If they could have imagined what is happening in Washington today, the first thing they would have done is set term limits on all th

“Republicans” are Bat-Shit Crazy

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It began in 1981, and the change was completed on January 20, 2017. Not only the worst, illegitimate president in history was inaugurated on that day, the implosion of the once Grand Old Party was complete. The men and women who once called themselves “Republicans” became members of Trump’s MAGA Party, more accurately the “American Fascist Party.” The entire party bowed to Trump’s anti-American demands, and spent most of their time attempting to cover-up his crimes and Constitutional violations. Today Trump is attempting to return to the White House, not because he wants to serve the American people, but to save his humongous derriere from being in prison for the remainder of his life. His primary ambition is to pardon himself for multiple felony indictments, and possibly for treason and violations of the Espionage Act. His second goal is to put into action every plan in Project 2025. After Kamala Harris became the presumptive Democratic nominee in July, Trump b

One More Reason Brett Kavanaugh Should Never Have Been Confirmed for a Seat on the Supreme Court

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart When I discuss the reasons Brett Kavanaugh is unfit to have a seat on the United States Supreme Court, three other names come to mind: Christine Blasey Ford, Anita Hill, and Clarence Thomas. I remember the confirmation hearings for Clarence Thomas in 1991. Both his hearings and his confirmation remain controversial. I continue to look at the events of that year as a demonstration of how sexist old, white men were then, and how many of them remain prejudiced against women today. Some remain in the Senate, and the Chairman of those hearings is our nation’s current president. Thomas’ only serious obstacle was an allegation of sexual misconduct from a former aide, Anita Hill. I considered Ms. Hill a credible witness. Her recounting of the details were believable, and contained information only she and Thomas would have known. However, Thomas was confirmed by nearly every man in the Senate. Today, he is known as the most corrupt and prejudicial justice on what has be

Someone Stand Up and Tell Trump and his Desperate Party that Scare Tactics are Too Old, and no Longer Have Any Effect

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Kamala Harris is promising all Americans that our country will move forward and that she will serve each of them when she becomes our 47 th President. Trump is telling us that she has been a terrible prosecutor, D.A., attorney general, and senator. Of course his attacks are baseless, but his negativity continues to dominate his campaign. If both candidates decided to base their campaigns on legitimate attacks, Trump would end up in the slime at the bottom of a swamp. NOTHING POSITIVE TO SAY ABOUT “TRUMPENSTEIN” I am one of those boring people who tries to find something good about everyone. I am sorry to say that over the 10 years I have been writing about Donald Trump, I have been unable to find one good thing to say about the man accurately labeled “the worst president in American history.” I begin in June of 2015, just after Trump declared his candidacy. Promising that he would build a wall across our entire southern border and Mexico would pay for it was a