Is Biden Channeling FDR?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart It is an irrefutable fact that Franklin Delano Roosevelt was the greatest president in America’s 247-year history. He never wavered in his support for the majority, fighting corruption perpetrated by the super-rich, and greedy politicians in an attempt to improve the quality of life for most Americans. He was the only true American President. Not even our founding fathers placed the value of the working class in priority number one. His initial reluctancy to enter World War II was founded upon the fact that he was aware that it is always the poor and working class who fight wars, never the wealthy. However, he wisely prepared for the possibility of American involvement, and when our nation was attacked on December 7, 1941, America was ready to engage in the defeat of the Axis powers. In 1981 Ronald Reagan began the right-wing’s war on the working class. He hated unions because they protected workers from the atrocities of corporate America. Ov...