
Showing posts from January, 2025

Simple and Truthful Information About Tariffs: You Will Be Pissed Off

If the word “tariffs” enters the conversation, most people have no idea what that involves, and no idea about how it might affect them and their families. I am going to make it simple and clear for everyone. I will warn you, this is the ultimate scam by a professional politician. Tomorrow, February 1, 2025, Trump will impose an additional tariff of 25 percent on imports from China, Canada, and Mexico. Tariffs is just another word for “tax.” American companies which import raw materials or finished goods from these three countries will be forced to pay a 25 percent increase for their purchases: the same percentage attached to the items exported from China, Canada, and Mexico. This is known as a tariff. Here's where Trump is playing tricks on the American people. The extra 25 percent increase goes directly to the national treasury. Because American businesses are forced to pay more for the imports they purchase, the cost is passed onto consumers. This is where Trump is once again pro...

The Electoral College is Why We Have Red and Blue States and Are an Irrevocably Divided Nation

The Electoral College is the least democratic law in America. It prevents the concept of “every vote must count,” and allows the states to choose our presidents, not the people. It is also one of the primary reasons red and blue states exist, and why our nation is divided to a degree not seen since the first Civil War. Red and blue states are detrimental to democracy but advantageous for presidential wannabees. Their reelection campaigns need only to make perfunctory visits to red or blue states, depending on your party affiliation. The majority of the efforts are focused on swing states, and red or blue states whose social and political demographics experienced a significant change over the previous four years. Although the population of America is approximately 340 million, the only number that matters for a presidential candidate is 270. This is the number of Electoral College votes needed to win the White House. Something you will never hear from an elected official or the mainstre...

California is the Greatest Country in the World

First, the truth. I started planning this article before I learned that there is a real movement right now in the Golden Stated to secede from Trump’s Disunited States. My family moved from Lewiston, Idaho, to Los Angeles, California, in 1952, just a month or two before my sixth birthday. Our first ‘home’ was on Venice Beach. I immediately fell in love with the Pacific Ocean. As I grew and learned more about the state in which I lived, I became fascinated and excited. Within 163,696 square miles, 760 mile long and 250 miles wide existed everything a human being might desire. From oceans to mountains and deserts, from snow skiing to surfing, hunting, fishing, nightlife, art, and a diverse population, there was no need to visit any other state. Central California is an agricultural treasure chest. Industry is plentiful near its three major cities, San Francisco, Los Angeles, and San Diego. The entertainment industry is one of the largest sources of income in our nation. For tourists, for...

64 Innocent Lives Lost: We Can Expect Another Government Cover-Up

The military of the United States of America is justifiably described as the “largest and most expensive in the world.” After reading and writing about the Pentagon for more than 10 years, I have one word to describe our nation’s military leaders: “incompetent.” First, the cost. Multiple watchdog groups claim that 50 cents out of every dollar allotted to the Pentagon is wasted. After what I have learned, they are correct. It may be more than 50 cents since Afghanistan and Iraq. Most importantly, the most powerful military force in the world has lost every war since WWII. Thousands of lives and trillions of dollars have been lost; all for nothing. On Wednesday a preventable tragedy happened in the skies above Washington D.C. An American Airlines passenger aircraft collided with a military Blackhawk helicopter, killing 64 in the airliner, and three crewmen aboard the Blackhawk. Regardless of the explanations yet to come, what the hell was a military aircraft doing in the path of a schedu...

Pacifism-Hatred-Putin’s Puppet-Armed Militia-Saving America

I am a proud pacifist. Violence never accomplishes anything, and no war has ever been “won.” Even when I was a martial arts instructor, my first attempt was to encourage my students to avoid violence whenever possible. Our oath: “I come to you with empty hands: I have no weapons. However if it is a matter of life or death, right or wrong, then these are my weapons: Karate, my empty hands.” I am beginning to think that “my empty hands may not be enough.” It is an undeniable fact that Trump is Putin’s puppet. It is a fact known by our government, both political parties, and our military that in 2016 and 2024 Putin won the election for Trump. On both occasions, Trump is an illegitimate president whose intent is to destroy the dream of our founding fathers forever. As a pacifist, I have renounced the destructive emotion of hatred for most of my life. However, because the future of 340 million people is in the balance, and the country I love is under attack, I have learned to hate Trump and...

I Can’t Wait Two More Weeks to Bitch About This

Two weeks from next Monday is the worst and most insulting holiday in America. I bitch about it every year, but thanks to the illegitimate reelection of the Antichrist, and based upon the evil he casts on our nation, I couldn’t wait two more weeks to write another rant. Presidents Day is not only the dumbest idea for a holiday I could ever imagine, it is an insult to the few great presidents who deserve to be honored. When I was a school-age boy, many years ago, we honored two very deserving presidents: Abraham Lincoln on his birthday, February 12, and George Washington on his, February 22 nd . I will not pay homage to Andrew Jackson, Herbert Hoover, Harry Truman, Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush and definitely not the worst in history, Donald Trump. There are many others who should not be remembered for anything other than the harm they did to our country, and the level of incompetence they displayed every day they were in office.. In my lifetime, I was blessed with only one great presid...

Fascism and Your Private Life: Trump vs the People of the World

I have a message for your illegitimate president: “Stay the fuck out of my life, you old, fat, ugly on the inside and outside, little prick” I would love to say that to Trump’s orange face. You can believe I would. Unfortunately, Bullies are too cowardly to face the adversaries in person. The whole situation about DEI pisses me off. Trump thinks it is wrong to obey the intent of the Constitution. He violates it every day, so why should anyone receive its protection? Trump is above every law written since the beginning of our nation. Just ask him. Most importantly, today’s Supreme Court, biased and corrupt, supports him. Trump is the reason women no longer have the right to make decisions about their own mental and physical health. Like his current cabinet, he chose three Supreme Court justices whose only qualifications were a promise to repeal a 49-year-old decision by a legitimate court. The Antichrist continues to surround himself with the super-rich, criminals, extremists who would ...

When a Traitor is Chosen to Lead Your Nation

I can’t forget it. For three hours I remained horrified as a group of thugs and villains obeyed the orders of their demagogue and violently attempted to destroy a democratic process which would become the end of America. I asked myself over and over again, “where is our military?” Countries spend fortunes on large armiesfor a single purpose: to protect their nation and their people from enemies, foreign and domestic. For three hours, in what is now the darkest day in American history, Trump did nothing with the exception of the same thing I and my wife were doing, watch the television as an act of pure treason was occurring inside our nation’s Capitol. Trump’s Nazi army was intent on accomplishing their orders: kill Mike Pence and Nancy Pelosi. What didn’t happen after the television cameras were turned off was even more disturbing. What happened was “nothing.” When the insurrection, the attempted coup, failed, the men and women who continue to seek the end of the United States of Amer...

Dr. Phil Exposed as a Fraud, a Racist, and a Fascist

I admit to being surprised when I learned that “Dr. Phil McGraw” was an avid Trump supporter and spoke at one of his hate rallies in October. Racists and bigots eventually expose themselves, and this was the television personality’s chance to reveal himself. He strongly supports Trump’s foolhardy and bigoted immigration policy, which in reality will become an effort to eliminate all Hispanics from America. Trump’s idol, Adolf Hitler, hated Jews. For reasons unknown, Trump hates Hispanics, Blacks, Asians, literally any man or woman who is not pure white. It is clear that McGraw shares his passion. I have been aware from my teen years until where I am today, an old fart, that to be a true American, certain human traits are necessary. By design, the United States is a nation of immigrants. Its diversity is a necessary component in the formula of what makes America unique in the world.. I believe that intelligence, the ability to think freely and clearly, the absence of prejudice without r...

Meet Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, Your Secretary of Defense

Your uncaring and Trump worshiping fake Republican Party confirmed a woefully unqualified degenerate to oversee the largest and most expensive military force in the world. Pete “the Party Animal” Hegseth, is a drunk, a womanizer, a thief, and another Trump wannabe who paid hush money to a woman he sexually assaulted. So when I tell you that cowardly and hypocritical Republican Senators in Washington confirmed his nomination as, you won’t want to believe this, Secretary of Defense, you may or may not be appalled, but you should be. Good news for Republican politicians who worship Trump, Hegseth has promised to end Pentagon waste. He will make many changes in how the military brass spends taxpayer money. He believes that women are meant to be subservient to men and they are not qualified for combat. Therefore, he will change their uniforms to something more fitting for real women Combat gear for male soldiers and sailors is too expensive, and Hegseth has a cure for that.   Hegseth ha...

Do It Now! Stand up and Tell Trump to “Go Back to Hell”

The Second Civil War began in 2017. However, a second illegitimate Trump presidency will undoubtedly result in a bloody Second Civil War. The only question of importance is “will our military stand with our nation’s people or the current fascist government?” It is an undeniable reality that military institutions are a fascist cult. They could not survive in a free-thinking society. Since 2015, I have been waiting to see if someone or some group with power would stand up to the Nazi pretending to be an American. I have given Trump many labels, including “Trumpenstein,” and “the orange buffoon.” However, in 2025 I find only three apply to Trump and his efforts to destroy my country: the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender,” and “The Destroyer.” Members of his cult who once worshipped Jesus Christ now offer their fealty to a godless and hate-filled old, white man. The very definition of “Antichrist” clearly describes the old and vengeful fool defiling our White House. While pretending to b...

MMM, the Old Man Who Proved Term Limits are Mandatory

Trump is the “Antichrist,” the “Great Pretender.” However, he would not have risen from the depths of hell if one man had the courage to support the Constitution. I cannot predict how history will remember Moscow Mitch McConnell. If it is a truthful accounting, his 40 years in the Senate will be revealed as four decades of support for himself and his party. There is not a single record of accomplishing anything of a positive nature in his life. He has never served the majority of our nation’s people: he ruled over us since 1985. The Great Destructor, the Antichrist, continues to destroy every positive action by his predecessor, a true American and a lifetime patriot, President Joe Biden. However, none of this would be happening if Moscow Mitch had chosen to obey the Constitution. Trump was impeached for cause twice; in 2019 and 2021. The first impeachment came after Trump violated the Constitution as he attempted to bribe the President of Ukraine. The second was for “obstruction of jus...

Antichrist has no Soul

In America, a president’s primary function is to improve the lives of all of his or her nation’s people, and guarantee their safety and security. Trump is not an American president. During the last five days the Antichrist has destroyed all of the good accomplished by President Biden over the last four years. His choices to be his closest advisers are a gang of unqualified billionaires, criminals, alcoholics, sexual predators, and Neo-Nazi supporters. Not a single man or woman in the Trump administration will be qualified to hold the position and the department they will be leading, including Trump. The White House will be staffed with clowns and pretenders. We were fully aware that the Antichrist had no heart, and with his most recent actions, we know he has no soul. He has become “Trump the Destroyer.” Every action he claims as an accomplishment is in reality harmful to our nation’s people and the future of our country. By biblical definition, Donald John Trump is the Antichrist. Man...

“Sleepy Donnie”

His criminal hush money trial: his inauguration: in the National Cathedral: these are just a few of the places where Trump was caught by the television cameras sleeping. It seems that if he is not complaining about being mistreated, or praising himself, he is asleep sitting up. You might remember his nickname for President Biden, “Sleepy Joe.” Trump has rightfully inherited that nickname. He is a very old man; the oldest president elected in history. In just 15 months, he will be 80, if he survives that long. He is obviously in steep decline mentally and physically, and becoming more so every month. The truth is, a good nickname for Mr. Biden would have been “Working Joe.” He was one of the hardest working presidents in my lifetime, and I can bear witness 14 of them. This is why he has a long list of accomplishments, and the same reason why Trump had none. I continue to believe that the late-night comics, the mainstream media, and of course fake Republicans all combined to President Bi...

No More Basement Dwellers, Now it’s Only Billionaires for Trump

  Trump will no longer be forced to accommodate  his most avid supporters, who in private he refers to as “basement dwellers.” He will now be surrounded by his 756 billionaire supporters, who are more accurately known as oligarchs. Trump has never been a legitimate billionaire. Like the rest of his life, his wealth was an illusion. He “cooked the books” in his favor throughout his failed efforts to become a legitimate businessman. When taxes were due, he deflated the value of his real estate holdings, each of which was deep in debt. When he needed a loan from Deutche Bank, or other large lending institutions, he inflated the value of his holdings. His controversial victory on November 5, 2024 offered him another opportunity to play the role of a billionaire. Trump said many times that “he loves using other people’s money.” During his first illegitimate presidency, he wasted more than six million taxpayer dollars every month. That’s more than one-quarter of a billion dollars ov...

The “Antichrist” has Risen

On Monday, the Right Reverand Mariann Edgar Budde, a Bishop in the Episcopal Church, looked straight into the sleepy eyes of Donald Trump, and knew that she was without a doubt speaking directly to the “Antichrist.” The prophecy of the Antichrist is revealed in the New Testament in the First and Second Epistle of John.[2] Antichrist is announced as one "who denies the Father and the Son.” He has been called many other names, but the one that defines the Anti-Christ most perfectly is the “Great Pretender.” Trump claims to be a “Christian.” However by his own words and actions it is clear that he is the opposite of what a real Christian believes and stands for. The text of Bishop Budde’s plea to Trump was intended to ask him to act like a good Christian. She begged him to be kind and show compassion for transgender Americans and undocumented immigrants. She could have called him what he is, an evil and vengeful old man, and even a “fake Christian,” but she did not. Trump has demande...

Washington has Become a Really Bad Marx Brothers Movie

In the 1930’s some of the funniest movies ever made starred the Marx Brothers: Groucho, Chico, Harpo, and Zeppo. In 1933, they made a movie/satire called “Duck Soup.” The storyline was about a fictional country called “Freedonia,” which was in desperate need of new leadership. Enter Groucho Marx. What is happening at this very moment in Washington reminded me of   the hilarious farcical film, with one exception: Trump and his clowns are not funny: not even a little bit. The level of incompetence within all three branches of government in 2025 is truly unbelievable. It appears that the least qualified fake president in history purposely chose the worst men and women possible to join his already failed administration. America laughed about the nomination of Matt Gaetz as Attorney General until we realized Trump was serious. Then we were forced to admit that Trump is a senile and very old man whose dementia is increasing rapidly. He is too old and undeniably unfit to lead all 340 mill...

America is Burning and the World is Laughing

The unthinkable happened. The United States of America elected a Nazi to run and ruin their nation.   This is what the world is saying, and why they are laughing at the stupidest people in the free world. We could have remained neutral in WWI I and simply allow Hitler to conquer the world, sharing it with the Emperor of Japan. That would have saved more than 400,000 lives and hundreds of billions of dollars each year between 1941-1945 .   However, the American government is the worst and most incompetent in the world.   T he citizens of most nations are far more informed than our country’s people. They are undoubted ly convinced that for the second time in our n ation’s history, Vladimir Putin decided the outcome of America’s future.   If a t any time in my 78 years someone had told me that any free and developed nation had elected a leader that was nearing 80 years of age, w as a convicted felon, a confirmed sexual predator whose closest “friend” for 10 ye...