
America and The Bully Hated Around the World

“The Bully President.” This is certain to be the title applied to Donald John Trump. He has earned it. His threats have become famous, or better yet, infamous. His policies are founded on “quid pro quo.” He is not an intelligent communicator, and has proven that his book, “The Art of the Deal,” was 100 percent a fraud: a fairy tale. Being a bully is the only way he knows how to get anything done, with the exception of simple bribery. With no talent, and no knowledge of anything, he is undoubtedly the worst illegitimate president in history. Recently Trump sent his extremely unqualified Vice-President, J.D. Vance to Western Europe. After making a vile and demanding speech in Munich, German Chancellor, Olaf Scholz, responded to the arrogant and unwelcome outsider. [Scholz spoke at the Munich Security Conference on Saturday, slamming “outsiders intervening in our democracy, in our elections, in the democratic formation of opinion in favour of this party,” especially from “friends and alli...

Fascists, Nazis, Incompetents, Criminals, Traitors, and now Q’Anon Conspiracy Theorists

On January 20, 2017, Washington was changed forever. It’s composition for 241 years had been men and women who were patriots, loyal to the American people, and most were intent upon improving the lives of all Americans, while keeping them safe from our enemies, both foreign and domestic. However, since 1981 the former Grand Old Party began moving further to the right, and it was clearly divided between Moderates, the Tea Party, and a new fascist-leaning group calling themselves the Freedom Caucus. When Trump began his reign of terror, every man and woman calling themselves Republicans began to bow to the wannabe Fuhrer. Today’s Washington is filled with Fascists, Nazis, Incompetents, criminals, Traitors, and now Q’Anon Conspiracy Theorists. Here’s the latest from one of Trump’s woefully unqualified criminals pretending to be the Secretary of Defense. Pete, “the Drunk,” Hegseth and “Trump administration officials at the Pentagon invited antisemitic right-wing conspiracy theorist and ser...

Biggest Promise Made, Biggest Promise Broken

“I will lower inflation on day one.” Donald John Trump. Another big lie. Trump admitted that he doesn’t know how to lower inflation. In fact, after day one he never mentioned the subject. His time was well-spent, signing unconstitutional executive orders and playing with Musk and his other laughing oligarchs. His focus was on more important issues, including renaming the Gulf of Mexico, stealing Greenland, turning Gaza into a “Middle East Mar-a-Lago,” and making Canada our 51 st state. I have questions and concerns about the validity of the 2024 election. Regardless, exit polls revealed that Trump’s controversial victory was the result of a single issue: inflation. Inflation has actually risen by three percent over the last few weeks. The effects of Trump’s foolhardy tariffs will result in additional costs to consumers in the near future. The facts prove that over his 78 and ½ years, he is a failure when economics are involved. Trump was forced to file bankruptcy on two Atlantic City ...

Trump is Proof that America has Never Been a Great Nation, and Never Will Be

The rich don’t need help. White, middle-class people don’t need help. Men and women in positions of power don’t need help. The vast majority: the working class, families living in the low-income bracket, the poor, the homeless, the disenfranchised, all need help. Someone please tell Trump and Musk that these statements are facts. Also inform them that first and foremost it is the responsibility of the president, congress and the Supreme Court to serve the majority. Their first priority should be improving the quality of life for all Americans. Over the last 24 days these two old white men intentionally destroyed much of the progress made for all Americans over the last 60-70 years. This is a lifetime pattern for Donald John Trump. This is why he never has and never will accomplish anything which produces positive results. Between 2017 and 2021 Trump did nothing but increase the division between our country’s people, give tax breaks to those who do not need or deserve them, and support ...

One Thing Our Government Will Never Do

Everyone who claims to “work” in Washington is useless, corrupt, and a waste of taxpayer money. However, there is a single thing we can always count on from these cowards: they will never “do the right thing.” Let me use two examples of how I learned that the government of the United States of America would be overpaid if they worked for nothing. One month before the 2016 election, a meeting was held in the White House. The meeting came at the request of the leaders of all 18 security agencies. In attendance were President Obama, Vice-President Biden, Moscow Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, Chuck Schumer, and Nancy Pelosi. The purpose of the meeting was to confirm the fact to our nation’s leaders that Vladimir Putin was interfering in our upcoming election in support of Donald Trump. However, our gutless leaders decided that the voting public had no right to learn the truth. The result was Trump becoming our 45 th and illegitimate president. Our government has ignored the fact that they ar...

Sadly, Time Magazine Got it Right

If you haven’t seen it, the latest issue of Time Magazine’s cover depicts Elon Musk sitting behind the Resolute Desk. The truth is, Musk is running America, and running it off a cliff. I never believed it possible, but Musk actually knows less about governing our country than the old, obese man who was illegitimately elected twice. Most billionaires/oligarchs are accomplished at one thing only. When they get out of their lanes, they reveal their ignorance, incompetence, and arrogance. Musk is the richest of them all. He is not only out of his lane, he took the offramp which is leading our nation towards total destruction. America has become less of a country and more of a business. Most of our nation’s citizens are focused on wealth and the unnecessary possessions which follow. Musk created an agency for himself. He calls it DOGE, the Department of Government Efficiency. His idea of “efficiency” is the eliminating of hundreds of millions of dollars from multiple agencies without a thor...

Only Nazis Oppose DEI

Women’s rights, Freedom of or from religion, Free speech, Equal Opportunity employment practices, DEI: these are all polices and/or guarantees in the Constitution which made America unique in the world. If every American received complete equality, it would have become a great nation. However, now that two devout Nazis are in control of our country’s government, America will move backwards as it did between 2017 and 2021. Trump and Musk are regressive politicians, not Americans. They have embraced fascism for their entire pitiful lives. On January 20, 2025, Trump began his war on DEI: Diversity, Equality, and Inclusion. Anyone who opposes these values opposes the nation of our Founding Fathers and cannot be called “American.” Anyone with common sense has been aware for at least eight years that Trump has been the leader of America’s white supremacist movement. During the 2024 campaign and looking back at his failed coup on January 6, 2021, it is now a fact that he is the leader of our ...

Not an American President

November 5, 2024. This day in American history is likely to become the darkest day in its nearly 249 years of existence. I never thought I would experience a more horrific event in our country than the attempted coup on January 6, 2021. Three hours of mayhem, violence, efforts to destroy our nation’s democratic government. An act of treason orchestrated by one self-centered egotistical maniac in an attempt to remain in power. He admitted to his staff that he lost the 2020 election, but used a lie to justify organizing a group of Nazis to invade the Capitol Building. With Trump again in a position to rule over 340 million people, I fear that my prediction is coming to fruition. Trump is violating laws, customs, tradition, and the Constitution every day he pretends to be an American president. It is clear that he will never be a true president; he is not a leader: the schoolyard bully is a dictator. He most definitely lacks the qualities to be an American. His loyalty is not to the peopl...

Your Monday Funny: Canada? Really?

  “Dumb” is not a word I like. In fact, I don’t like name-calling at all, although I admit to using this tactic on occasion when I am unable to suppress my anger. I’ve been working on it for a lifetime. The word “dumb” just feels worse than any four-letter word I can think of. It brings to mind a person who is a complete dullard, without average intelligence or a single redeeming quality. That said, I have a question: “how dumb is Donald Trump?” One issue he won’t leave alone really bugs me. If he doesn’t understand that what he wants is virtually impossible, all of his brain cells must have committed suicide. If you ask any Canadien if they would prefer to be a citizen of the United States, 999 out of 1000 would say “no.” I have a cousin who was born in Spokane, Washington. She met a man when she was a young woman who was a Canadien. They fell in love and moved to Canada where they raised a family. Both she and her husband were schoolteachers. When they retired, they purchased a b...

Kamala Harris Warned You

This article is for anyone who was ignorant enough to vote for the worst illegitimate president in history. Trump promised that on day one he would lower inflation. He now says that he cannot or will not ask his 756 oligarchs/billionaires to take lower profits for themselves by lowering prices at the grocery store. You might remember that Kamala Harris promised that she would lower both prices and taxes for the working class. I have no doubt she would have kept that promise. She also warned you that he would take money from the working class to enable his plan to give his 756 oligarchs additional tax cuts. We now know his plan. On Sunday, the contents of his scam were revealed. He will make cuts to essentials: Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and Veteran’s benefits. What a great humanitarian: NOT! Nazis Trump and Musk are heartless, self-serving bastards. I consider their plans an act of treason against the majority of our nation’s people. In a televised event they should be hung t...

Another Super Bowl Sleeper

My wife would tell you that my favorite weekend during the NFL season happened two weeks ago with the divisional championships. The Super Bowl is over-hyped and frequently boring. This is what happened on Sunday, February 9, 2025. I won’t offer you an analysis, other than to say the obvious: the Chiefs offensive line players and coach must be fired. Okay, let’s look at a few facts about the NFL. The NFL is the most profitable corporation in America. It has never experienced a decline in revenue over the last 40 years. NFL officials are the worst in all professional sports. They all too frequently decide the outcome of games, including the Super Bowl. The hype leading up to the Super Bowl is laughable, and annoying to anyone who has been a fan for nearly 70 years. I watched the NFL when many players were required to play both offense and defense. Most importantly, I remember when quarterbacks were football players. I’m not suggesting that many of the changes in the game were unnecessary...

Trump Reneges on Immigration?

Trump is now supporting his form of “selective immigration.” It won’t surprise you, the immigrants he wants to bring to our shores are pure whites and very wealthy. I smell Musk in this suggestion. Although the continent of Africa is predominately Black: north, south, east, and west, most of the wealth in South Africa remains in the control of white men, the same white men who supported apartheid. Trump would love to have more white oligarchs who are grateful to him for their ability to rape the working class simply for personal ambitions and avarice.   However, the word from South Africa is “no thanks.” Although these pure white billionaires would pay zero tax in the United States, no one wants to live in Trump’s America. I apologize. To call what is happening today Trump’s “America” is an insult to his 45 predecessors. Although many of our presidents were less than adequate, Trump will forever be labeled as the “worst of the worst.” Allowing Trump to be our 45 th and 47 th pres...


  I was lying in bed this morning thinking about the last two-and-one-half weeks. I was musing selfishly and thinking about what it means to me. I realized that in my 78 years, the same number of years of life as Trump, Bill Clinton, and George W. Bush, my feelings for my country have changed. Unlike the politicians who share my age, I witnessed America from the real world, the world most of our country’s people share with me. When I was a boy entering first grade, I believed that America was the greatest country in the world. Of course, by the time I was in high school, I realized that the country I worshipped was not perfect, not by a long shot. Although I began my interest in politics at the age of 10, it became far more serious before I was in my 20’s. The debacle known as the Vietnam War greatly altered my view of the men and women who served in Washington. The first men who were sent to a war halfway around the world were in my age group. They were drafted into a war with...

Where’s the Bullet?

After reading everything available about the alleged assassination of Donald Trump in Pennsylvania, I have come to one conclusion: it was staged. I have looked at every film and picture I could access, and none of this was real. My allegation is based on one unanswered question, and one old trick used by professional wrestlers. The alleged shooter was armed with a high-velocity rifle. The records show that one attendee and at least one other was injured from that rifle. If Trump’s minor injury, not much more than a scratch on his right ear, came from the same rifle, where did the bullet go? Anyone who knows anything about guns will tell you that it would take a lot more than the soft cartilage of a human ear to alter the trajectory of a bullet fired from this type of rifle. There was a wall of people behind Trump as he stood behind the podium. However, no one was injured in that area of the hate rally, and no one reported a bullet hitting anything in the area: not a chair, a pu...

Separate and Unequal

  In 2024, the Supreme Court destroyed the most important part of our Founding Father’s creation. Our system of a Democratic Republic was intended to have three “separate but equal branches.” However, in order to prevent any form of monarchy, or autocracy, the least powerful of all three branches was the Executive: the presidency. This all changed in 2024. In 2017 Moscow Mitch McConnell and Trump began to “stack” the Supreme Court with what would become three unqualified justices who had promised to support the right-wing’s extremist agenda. This 922-page fascist manifesto is called “Project 2025.” The first major blow to democracy came on June 24, 2022. This dark day in our nation’s history will be remembered as the most vicious attack on women’s rights in a lifetime. Repealing a decision by a legitimate Court, 49 years in the past, removed a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health. Roe v Wade, federal protection for a woman’s right to...

Band of Traitors

  DOGE is a farce, about this, there is no argument. However, Musk and his Band of Babies are traitors among us and every day this fake department exists is a Constitutional violation. Elon Musk is in control. I am positive that a closer look at his background will reveal an association with Nazi sympathizers in South Africa. This egomaniac has greater aspirations than owning a failing electric car company. He is clearly power-mad, but without the support of our nation’s people. To work in his non-existent DOGE, Musk has employed several young engineers. These five or six Muskovites have the power to suggest firing longtime and experienced government employees. Some investigations into their backgrounds have begun. One name stands out currently. One 19-year-old, Edward “Big Balls” Coristine, was fired from a tech agency for committing acts of corporate espionage. This little punk has been given access to personnel records protected by their agreements as government employees. These...

Destruction Not Accomplishments

Trump has no clear understanding of the English language, and Fox News is just as illiterate. Trump and Fox are calling what he is doing “accomplishments.” The truth is, Trump is destroying the good things, the positive accomplishments made by his Democratic predecessors, claiming them as his personal success. Look it up, Donny Boy, these are antonyms, not synonyms. Trump is a destroyer, a failure, and an anti-American. The worst man in the world is pissing off everyone. He began by attacking immigrants and the working class, but is now attempting to completely obliterate billion-dollar industries, including solar energy and electric vehicles. Trump the Destroyer will not stop until our nation is in shambles. Sadly, no one will stop him, not our government, the mainstream media, or the military. He has become what he dreamed of when he was reading Hitler’s speeches, a dictator. America has a bona fide tyrant. He is the enemy and not a president. He is failing his primary responsibility...

A Wealthy Man

My wife and I are older Americans struggling to survive on a fixed income. The good and bad news is that our total income is slightly above the poverty line. This prevents us from receiving free healthcare, and other services reserved for the poor. However, we have survived many difficult times and will continue to do so as long as we are together. This is not intended to be a story about complaints and government failure, although there are many. This is about what I hope will be my legacy. I didn’t begin writing until I was forced to retire for the last time in 2011. My last “real job” ended in 2008. However, in 2009 I was hired by the Decennial Census, and worked for the government in various capacities until the end of 2010. From then until now, I have been officially retired with the exception of my new life as a writer. My initial effort was my first novel, “A Little Murder in the Biggest Little City.” I believe it was good for a first effort, but I learned from every new endeavo...

Trump Report Card

The Bully President It has been 17 days since Trump and Musk began their reign of terror, although it seems like years. I think it’s time to give Trump his first report card. I warn you, the Bully President has not done well. Economy, F; Making Americans Feel Safe, F; Keeping his Oath of Office, F; Foreign Relations, F; Uniting our Nation’s People, F; Choosing the Best White House Staff, F-. On the plus side, in the category of suggesting moronic ambitions which would waste time and cost taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars, he receives an A+. The Economy . Inflation remains a problem for most of our nation’s people. Trump promised to lower prices on day one, but has ignored the needs of our nation’s people entirely. Although he was warned repeatedly, his tariffs will destroy free trade and create a trade war. Prices will rise drastically, and the GNP will take a huge dive. Another effect of an unwise economic policy is the alienation of some of our closest allies and neighbors. M...


Just 17 days.  That’s how long Trump has been pretending to be a U.S. president. There are protests in America’s streets. It’s only the beginning. America has not experienced this much unrest and chaos since 2017. Trump’s worst brings out the best of America. From Trump’s own words, his Project 2025, and Musk’s two fascist salutes to his supporters, it is an undeniable fact that in control of America are two devout Nazis. From removing government employees whose only purpose was to investigate corruption, fraud, and criminal actions, to restoring high prices of prescriptions for seniors, every act by your illegitimate president is designed to harm the majority, and protect the rich and powerful. This is part of a plan to make the plutocracy permanent and establish a fascist regime which will guarantee the wishes of our 756 oligarchs. Every villain needs a central figure to blame for his inadequacies. For Trump, his victims are immigrants, most significantly Hispanics. Other actions...