
Showing posts from July, 2023

Which Piece of Trash Will Today’s RINOs Offer the American People on November 5, 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Not a single “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. If they claim to be patriots and love their country’s people, they are lying. They are all hypocrites who ignore the vast majority of our nation’s people in lieu of their super-rich owners. In the ignorant, red state of Iowa, Trump and his primary rival, the worst governor in our nation, Ron DeSantis, met head-to-head on Saturday evening. (I decided to begin this with a laugh. Two old, braindead, would-be fascists professing to love their country while lying every time they open their pie holes.) First, an honest observation. If these two ugly, angry, old white men are the best the once Grand Old Party has to offer, the “Republican Party” is dead and gone forever. Even the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney cannot convince men and women with average intelligence that Trump should be nominated by a party which was once known as the “Party of Lincoln.” He is an insult not ...

Politics: “The Ugliest, Self-Centered, and Corrupt Profession in the World”

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   In 1951 I was five years old. My family was living in Lewiston, Idaho, where I was born. My memories of family gatherings are clear. My mother’s family was large. My maternal grandparents had twelve children. The first two died when they were young, the other ten grew into adulthood. Attending these family gatherings were nine of the ten, my Uncle Leonard lost his life in WWII. Three of my uncles served and survived. I enjoyed listening to them. I’m sure my family was no different than any other, the conversation often turned to politics. Their opinions were seldom favorable. They believed that our government failed to do enough for our nation’s people. President Truman was about to enter his final year in office, and many of the men in both parties were scrambling for reelection. Move ahead to 1956. Former WWII General, Dwight D. Eisenhower had been elected as our President in 1952, one of last two legitimate Republican Presidents, and I ...

Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Symbol of How Old, White Men are Destroying America’s Future

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Moscow Mitch McConnell is the Senate minority leader, serving his 7 th term. He is 81 years of age. Recently, he took a fall and later was led off a stage during a news conference as he was unable to speak. He is too old and unfit to serve the people of Kentucky or our nation. Fact: the average age of our nation’s people is 38.9 year of age. The average age of Congress is 64 years of age. 54 senators are over 65. In the House, there are 141 men and women who qualify for social security. The largest demographic belongs to millennials. Pure white Americans are declining to reproduce, while Black Americans and Hispanics continue to have children. Our nation is becoming younger, and the Senate, older. Our government does not represent our people. One other statistic which applies: women compose 51 percent of our population, but approximately 27 percent of our federal government is composed of women. Republicans have a total of 40, only 7.5 percent of the tota...

Don’t Believe the Government’s Lies, “Greedflation” is Growing in America

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   My wife and I did two things today. I purchased gas for our truck, and she went grocery shopping. We live in Northern Nevada, and we are both in our 70s. Gas is nearly four-and-one-half dollars a gallon, about 20 cents higher than the last time I went to the gas station. Our grocery bill was over 30 percent higher than last week. We noticed that several items, no luxuries, had risen by more than 50 cents each, To make it worse, many of the packaged goods were higher in price but the content was less. Last year our COLA increase for social security was 8.7 percent. However, the reality is that our personal cost of living has increased by 15-18 percent. I learned the increase for this year is expected to be about three percent. This is another form of “agism” by our uncaring government. What is continuing to happen is “Greedflation.” After we survived the Covid-19 pandemic, America’s corporations took advantage of the privilege given to them by those who wer...

The Truth Revealed: Trump Knew that the 2020 Election was Fair and No Fraud Was Involved

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I call “bullshit.” Everything which comes from the mouth of your illegitimate 45 th president is a blatant lie. His intentions remain desperate efforts to protect himself and his delicate ego. Trump has been evaluated as a malignant narcissist, but he is also a sociopath. He is incapable of accepting failure, although his life is a sad tale of incompetence. Just days after the 2020 election, Trump fired his election czar, Chris Krebs. His reason was based on a single comment from Mr. Krebs: “The November 3rd election was the most secure in American history.” A recent revelation about events which occurred before the election offer the ultimate proof that Trump is a malignant narcissist who is a pathological liar. In February of 2020 during a meeting in the Oval Office, Trump announced that security for the upcoming election had been raised to the highest level possible. [In the meeting with senior US officials and White House staff, Trump...

Anger, Hatred, and Violence are the Policies of All Right-Wing Politicians

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Something happened recently that may mean nothing to you, but in reality, it defines the direction our government is taking, and therefore this country is moving down the wrong path. 100 percent of the men and women sitting on the right side of the Capitol Building support the end of democracy and the establishment of a fascist regime in Washington. While it is true that Trump, Pence, DeSantis, Greene, Boebert, Jordan, Gaetz and many others are open about their efforts, others are hiding in the shadows. Moscow Mitch McConnell, Chuck Grassley, Ron Johnson, and the rest are silently supporting the most extreme members of their party. Today’s fake Republicans control their supporters with tactics involving anger, hatred, and violence, while accomplishing nothing of value for the American people. Capital punishment is a major issue. Most Americans never think about this subject, but it is important. If human life is of any value, this archaic form of punishmen...

Remembering the America Experienced by a Child of the 50s and 60s

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Every day the first thing we did at St. Gerard Majella’s Elementary School was face the corner of our classroom, put our hands over our hearts, and recite The Pledge of Allegiance. The school was located in West Los Angeles. I remember a feeling of pride as we spoke the patriotic words which ended “with liberty and justice for all.” In parts of America those six words have little meaning today. I loved learning about each of the 48 states: what the lives of each state’s people were like and how they were different from my own. I was thrilled on January 3, 1959 when Alaska became our 49 th state and again on August 21, 1959 when Hawaii became our 50 th . States were not labeled “red” or “blue,” they were all a part of the United States. How things have changed and moved backwards to 1861. Of course I was proud to be a “Californian.” I loved the weather, the beaches, and the lifestyle offered by such a diverse state. I learned about the state...

Issues our Politicians Simply Don’t Care About

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over this weekend there have been multiple mass shootings in America. Tens-of-thousands of Israelis are marching in the streets as their government moves closer to fascism. The Russian military attacked a cathedral in Ukraine. Millions of Americans remain without healthcare, and the majority of our nation’s people continue to struggle financially. However, Republicans in Washington have bigger concerns. They continue to attack President Biden for his many accomplishments, they are attacking all liberals and even members of their own party. They remain desperate to find “dirt” on Hunter Biden, and they continue to admit they are the party of racism, misogyny, homophobia, anti-Semitism, and xenophobia, spreading anger, hatred, and violence in all 50 states. The safety of the American people, nor their quality of life are of little or no importance to these right-wing extremists. Nearly 100 percent of all those who claim to be “Republicans” have ...

DeSantis’ Lack of Intelligence Will Aid Democrats in a Huge 2024 Victory

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Over the last few months Florida Governor, Ron DeSantis, has proven two things to everyone other than his dwindling supporters: He is incompetent and therefore incapable of leading our nation, and he lacks the intelligence necessary to govern 333 million people. Any politician who would pick a fight with the Disney Corporation, Florida’s largest employer, is a moron. However, DeSantis proves that he is even dumber than I believed because after losing every battle with the mega-corporation, he refuses to end a lost cause. On Friday, speaking in Utah, Vice-President Kamala Harris attacked DeSantis’ racist policies and exposed him once and for all as a member of the Neo-Nazi groups who attempted to overturn our democracy on January 6, 2021. DeSantis has been attempting to alter Black history by setting misleading standards about our nation’s racist past for his state’s public schools. They dare to push propaganda to our children," Harris said Friday, denounc...

Without the Existence of the Grand Old Party, Who Will Today’s Fake Republicans Offer America in 2024?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   The polls claim that Trump and DeSantis remain the favorites to win the “Republican” Party’s presidential nomination in 2024. That may have been the saddest sentence I have ever written. Not only are neither of them qualified to hold any public office, they share some the same “qualities,” none of them offering a positive outcome for the United States. Trump and DeSantis are hell bent on self-destruction. By their own words and actions they have proven themselves to be incompetent, in possession of low levels of intelligence, and are focused on ending democracy in America, replacing it with a fascist regime. The truth is clear. President Biden has accomplished more in his first two-and-one-half years than the previous four Republicans in their 24 years in the White House. Another fact is that the candidates for 2024 are some of the worst politicians in history, and woefully unfit to lead our nation. It is clear that they are all Trump wann...

Hey America, Get Your Heads Out of Your A**es and Save Your Country

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I try to be professional. Although I occasionally use profanity, I don’t like or enjoy it. However, the truth is it’s time for all Americans to face reality and the truth and save their country from the villains among us. As a young man, I listened to a speech by an animatronic Abraham Lincoln at Disneyland in a long-forgotten attraction named, “Great Moments with Mr. Lincoln.” This speech impressed me and although it has often been misquoted, Its meaning is more important today than ever. "At what point then is the approach of danger to be expected? I answer, if it ever reach us, it must spring up amongst us. It cannot come from abroad. If destruction be our lot, we must ourselves be its author and finisher. As a nation of freemen, we must live through all time, or die by suicide." The former were his exact words and If he were alive today, he would know that he was not only a great President, but also a great prophet. Over the last 42...

Is Our Government Finally Admitting Trump Is a Traitor?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   I watched the entire three hours, beginning with Trump dispatching his Neo-Nazi army to the Capitol Building to the end of the broadcast. Any man or woman who is honest and watched this assault on our democracy can come to one conclusion: Donald Trump committed the greatest act of treason in history. Trump’s defense over 77 years of leading a life of crime has been “I did nothing wrong.” I consider this is a tired excuse and offers no reason for anyone to believe him. His biography proves that he has been guilty of fraud, tax evasion, bribing public officials, sexual assault, money laundering, and adultery. However, when he made the big mistake of agreeing to collude with Vladimir Putin, a man he has known since 1987, and illegitimately became our president in 2016, he was exposed to a reality he could not control with monetary “gifts.” The “real Donald Trump” was revealed to the entire world. Over the last couple of months Trump has been ...

The Ten Worst States in America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart There are multiple considerations for rating the best and worst states in America. A recent examination revealed the ten worst states in our nation based on employment combined with quality of life. Each of the ten worst have one thing in common, they are governed by right-wing extremists and governors who support them.   I won’t keep you guessing, here is the list from very bad to worst. They are Florida, Arkansas, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, tied are Alabama and South Carolina, nest are Louisiana, Oklahoma, and no surprise, Texas is “proudly” number one. It should not surprise anyone that Florida stands at number 10 on the list. Ron DeSantis is undoubtedly the worst governor in the history of the United States. He continues to establish fascist policies which directly violate the Constitution. His war against Disney has resulted in thousands of lost jobs in the Sunshine State. If you are Black, a woman, a member of the LGBTQ community, or non-Chri...

Is Trump Responsible for More than 500,000 American Deaths?

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Two facts of great importance no American can ignore, especially on November 5, 2024: More than one-million Americans died from the effects of Covid-19, and Donald Trump is directly responsible for a large number of these unnecessary deaths. This fact is based on his policy of “it will just go away,” and therefore he did nothing for three months as the virus spread rapidly. The list of reasons why electing Trump as our nation’s 45th president is long and was the biggest mistake ever made by the American people, but one stands out above the rest. The primary purpose required of the President of the United States is to care for the needs of and protect our nation’s people from harm whether it be from a domestic or foreign source: all of us. Trump failed his primary directive. Fake Republicans are desperate to redirect the truth, focusing on allegations about the beginning of Covid-19 in a Wuhan Lab. This lab was partially funded by the CDC under the cont...

How Corporate Greed Murdered Customer Service in America

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The first popular American Republican president since Dwight Eisenhower was elected in 1980. His name was Ronald Reagan. Those of us who voted for him were fooled by a movie star, not a great leader. He immediately began wars on the working class, minorities, women, and all other religions other than Christianity. His support for the wealthiest Americans soon became the policy of the entire Republican Party, and continues to this day. The truth is, that over the last 42 years, our nation is now controlled by plutocracy. The recent “Greedflation” was a clear example of this ongoing situation. There was no viable reason for corporations to raise prices on everything from gasoline to the price of eggs, but profits are the only concern of corporate America and the party who calls themselves “Republicans” today. Today, Walmart, Kroger, and other major stores have decided that billions of dollars in profit each year were not enough. Therefore, they decided t...

Call Yourself a “Liberal” or a “Progressive,” the Truth is We Need a Hero

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart I am registered as a Democrat, but only because if I am not, I cannot vote in the primaries. In reality, I have been a lifelong Independent, and believe that everyone should reject all political parties. Every voter should cast their ballots for the best candidate regardless of the party funding their campaigns. Voting for a party is an act of pure ignorance. What I am proud of is being a liberal, or if you choose, a progressive. If you are not a liberal, why not? Liberals care about others. We are concerned about the future of our nation’s people; all of them. We are also involved in the fight against climate change, a woman’s right to make decisions about her personal physical and mental health, and the right to have access to healthcare without excessive and life-altering financial burden. We care about the growing gap in income inequality, and will protect the Constitution: all of it, not just the Second Amendment. Unlike those who call themselves “conservat...

How Quickly the Supreme Court Became an Embarrassment for our Founding Fathers

  Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Prior to Moscow Mitch McConnell’s election to the Senate in 1984, the Supreme Court was the only respected branch of our nation’s government. As he gained power, eventually as the Senate Majority Leader, the Court became less respected by informed Americans. He forced the confirmation of at lest six justices who were unfit for office. Their only qualifications were they loyalty to his personal agenda. In 1986 Antonin Scalia was confirmed as a Supreme Court Justice. He became known as a right wing extremist who supported big business until his death in 2016. In 1991 Clarence Thomas became the most controversial Justice in history, and is under investigation today. In 2006 Samuel Alito joined his fellow extremists and continues to be known as “an enemy of the American people.” The current Chief Justice, John Roberts received a seat on the bench in 2005, and has surrendered his principles to the other five extremists on the Court in 2023. The greatest tra...

A Few Companies Who Care

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart   Consumer Cellular, Hartford Insurance; these are two major companies who actually care about the American people. These two companies appreciate seniors and offer great service at a fair price. However, most corporations take advantage of older Americans and make our final years more difficult. My bride and I are seniors. We have our monthly social security checks as our sole income. Neither of us were ever employed in a business which offered a realistic retirement plan. Therefore, every dollar is crucial. Most of our creditors don’t care. NV Energy recently raised our gas and electric bill 37 percent, although our usage has been lower than in years past. In an act of pure “Greedflation,” corporate America has raised prices on everything. Our grocery bill is 12 percent higher than one year ago. Although we received an 8.5% increase in our monthly income last year, it was far below what we needed to compensate for our government’s failure to protect consum...

Marjorie Taylor Greene; so Extreme She is Evicted from the Fascist Freedom Caucus

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart The TEA Party, created in 2010 was not far enough to the right for some men and women who call themselves “Republicans.” Therefore in 2015, a group of fascist-leaning right wing politicians created what is known as “the Freedom Caucus.”  Some of the men who created this radical group include Ron DeSantis, Jim Jordan, and Mark Meadows. Marjorie Taylor Greene seemed a perfect fit for these fascists. By her words and actions she proved herself a despicable human being and an enemy of the United States of America. So, why was she forced out of the Freedom Caucus? About two weeks ago she had another altercation with fellow extremist, Lauren Boebert. We have learned that a vote was taken in support of Boebert, defending her against the expletive issued by Greene. Don’t you hate it when...