Which Piece of Trash Will Today’s RINOs Offer the American People on November 5, 2024?

Op-ed by TheWiseOldFart Not a single “Republican” is qualified to lead our nation. This is not an opinion, it is a fact. If they claim to be patriots and love their country’s people, they are lying. They are all hypocrites who ignore the vast majority of our nation’s people in lieu of their super-rich owners. In the ignorant, red state of Iowa, Trump and his primary rival, the worst governor in our nation, Ron DeSantis, met head-to-head on Saturday evening. (I decided to begin this with a laugh. Two old, braindead, would-be fascists professing to love their country while lying every time they open their pie holes.) First, an honest observation. If these two ugly, angry, old white men are the best the once Grand Old Party has to offer, the “Republican Party” is dead and gone forever. Even the hypocrisy of Mitt Romney cannot convince men and women with average intelligence that Trump should be nominated by a party which was once known as the “Party of Lincoln.” He is an insult not ...